State of the Blog – February 2016

Posted February 29, 2016 by Emily in wrap up / 3 Comments


I decided to change things up and try out monthly recaps instead of weekly ones. I don’t know how it’ll go and I’ll miss participating in some of the memes weekly recaps have but I wanted to try it out. In case you haven’t noticed things around here have been… lacking. And this time, I don’t even have blogging burnout to blame. Nope, this time, my poor time management skills are the culprit. As March approaches things are only going to get crazier and I honestly don’t know what that’ll mean for this blog.

Looking Back on February

February flew by. Even with the extra day this year, it feels like we just celebrated the New Year yesterday when in reality we’ll be welcoming March tomorrow. February was chaotic and super busy for me. I finally really pulled myself out of my annoying blogger and reading burnouts. Only to run out of time to blog or read. Because school… Sigh.


Not that much to show. But I can say I am proud of them all so… 🙂

Looking Forwards to March

To be honest, one of the reasons why I wanted to monthly recaps instead of weekly ones is that I’m lazy. And it’s because of that fact, that I have trouble sticking to goals. I keep pushing them off and I have trouble holding myself accountable to meet them. So here’s me trying to give myself more motivation to meet my own goals. Oh, how I love all my problems.


Comment & Interact

I’m going to try commenting (and replying to comments because we all know I suck at that) and interacting with everyone more. This is my number one blogging priority for March. Since I don’t see my time management skills improving drastically anytime soon, I’m hoping to pump up interaction here and on social media since that (hopefully) takes less time than writing a post. This way I can still be an “active” blogger without really being active by posting frequently.


Quality posts is the goal, although I do want to try posting a bit more… regularly. We’ll see how this goes especially since I’ll be going on my senior class trip in March and then there’s Spring Break… which can be both productive or counterproductive depending on what happens.

Some Housekeeping

I really want to work to clean up this blog. I just recently took a peek at some of my older posts and they all made me cringe. The grammar and typos made me cry inside because it is apparent I did not understand the concept of proofreading. I probably still don’t but whatevs. Besides fixing all that, there are quite a few posts I am ashamed of posting so there’s that too…

Last Words

So that’s about it for the State of the Blog. February wasn’t quite what I hoped it would be and it flew by way too fast, but it wasn’t a failure either. I have some goals for March that I need to start working on. I can count on you guys to pressure me into following through with them right? (By the way, if you guys have any Disney World tips, I would greatly appreciate them!)

How was your February?
What are you looking forwards to in March?



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3 responses to “State of the Blog – February 2016

  1. Sorry things are so hectic for you, but if it helps I really love reading monthly wrap up posts, and I’m pretty sure I can’t be the only one! I’m exactly like you on the goals/time management front, so I’ve been trying monthly TBRs (mixed success but I think so far I like them), because then when I have a really slow week I don’t end up frustrated by writing a weekly recap when I feel like I have nothing to say! Good luck with your goals for March, they all sound good, and I definitely think commenting can be a great way to still feel active and current, even when things are chaotic and all you’ve got is five minutes here and ten minutes there. Hope you have a great month 🙂