The Sunday Post – Stacking the Shelves (97)

Posted January 17, 2015 by Emily in Meme / 11 Comments


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
I have decided to try to participate in all of their memes with only one post…thus 

The Sunday Post – Stacking the Shelves.



Breaking the Rules

Breaking the Rules
by Katie McGarry

I loved reading Pushing the Limits so obviously I can’t wait read more about Echo and Noah’s story (they happen to be my favorite characters in the whole series). Plus I decided I deserved it after being forced to read Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. (It wasn’t that bad, just not my thing).

Last Week on Icy Cold Reads:

This Week on Icy Cold Reads:

  • Investigated
  • Waiting on Wednesday
  • Thoughtful?
  • Review ?

I am soooo bad a replying to comments. I’m going to try to fix that this week since I have a three day weekend (yes!). Anyways, next week is the last week of the semester for my school so I’ll be super busy. Hopefully I can sort out everything before Tuesday or else there might not be any posts (o.o) since I also need to work on scheduling them in advance. Sigh.

How was your week?
Enjoy your books!


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11 responses to “The Sunday Post – Stacking the Shelves (97)

  1. I find there are not enough hours in the day for all the things I want to do, so prioritization is very important. I love comments, but, like you, I can’t always respond individually. I try to at least leave a response that lets everyone know I did come back to the post and didn’t just blow them off. After all, we do have lives other than blogging. ^_^ Enjoy the day.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sherry’s Shelves

  2. I try my best to comment on posts but I don’t always have time. I follow a lot of blogs and with those and twitter and Goodreads it can be overwhelming. Like this meme. I take all day to comment on everyone’s Sunday Post. I enjoy it but it takes a huge block of my time so I space it out through the day. I wish I could still Like posts. Then they would at least know I visited!

    My Sunday Post –