Books have a lot of different uses. Here are just some… in no particular order, books can be used…
1. For Entertainment
Probably the most obvious use, books can be used for entertainment. Especially when you’re bored. At a party. A book is a good thing to have. No batteries needed! Who needs to socialize when you have a book to read? It has should be more interesting than making stupid small talk the whole night…
2. To Escape
And no I don’t mean escape punishments. I mean escape reality. You know when things just get too much and you need an escape from real life. You can forget about all your problems and add excitement to your life by reading about someone else’s pain and their story.
3. As Painkillers
Who needs Advil and Tylenol when you got books? There are no side effects and no way to overdose. Just get lost in reading and you’ll eventually forget about your pain… eventually.
4. To Make New Friends
Who needs friends when you got books? Just kidding. You do need friends, even if you have books. But books can be your friends too. They can also help you make some human friends. You know the ones that can fan girl and patiently wait for book releases with you. Books can provide a common ground – something in common that helps you “click” with other people.
5. To Learn
Obviously this is true for nonfiction books. They are full of things that are well… not fiction. Like facts and procedures on how do stuff. You can learn what to do with nonfiction books. You can learn from fiction books too. You can learn what it means to be divergent, brave, courageous, caring, and not to judge others based on appearance and preconceived ideas and opinions. But unlike nonfiction books, you can also learn what not to do while reading fiction.
6. As Trophies
Some books are just so pretty. Too pretty not to display them on your bookshelves. Too pretty not to buy in if you have no intention of reading it… ever.
7. As a Weapon
Believe it or not, words can hurt. Especially if you throw many of them at once… in the form of a hardcover book. Yeah, that’s almost guaranteed to leave a nasty bruise.
8. As a Shield
Why use Captain America’s shield when you can use a must more convenient book instead? Perfect for blocking your face, the book is the perfect shield to protect you from being shot… by annoying photographers and selfie takers. Don’t want someone to notice you? Hide your face behind a book and you’re good to go… I think.
What do you think?
What do you use books for?
Haha this post is fun 🙂 especially the part about throwing a hardback at someone.
Glad you liked it! 😀
Thanks for stopping by Julie! 🙂
[…] Emz goes over the eight uses of books. […]
lol, great post! Indeed books are multi functional. I always hope I find a new friend through reading a book, but it seems to happen more often in fiction the in real life that someone starts a conversation because you’re reading a book.
I prefer not to use my books as weapon on shield, but I guess they can come in handy when necessary.
True, meeting friends through reading doesn’t happen as much in real life as it does in books but I still like to think it happens fairly often… I try not to damage my books when I can avoid it so I understand why you wouldn’t use them as weapons and shields. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Lola! 🙂