The Sunday Post – Stacking the Shelves (109)

Posted April 25, 2015 by Emily in Meme / 12 Comments


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
I have decided to try to participate in all of their memes with only one post…thus The Sunday Post – Stacking the Shelves.




by Maureen McGowen

I won Deviants in a YASH contest. And I also won The Secret Diamond Sisters from Michelle Madow in another contest. It’s weird because I usually never win anything, but I’m not complaining. 🙂

Last Week on Paging Serenity:

This Week on Paging Serenity:

  • Investigated
  • Waiting on Wednesday
  • Thoughtful?
  • Review ?

I am super stressed out. AP tests are approaching and even though I’m only taking one step, teachers are stepping their games up because they know once APs are over no one has the motivation to work. That and the fact that after APs it’s time to prep for final exams. Yay! Can you just feel my enthusiasm through the screen. Or lack of, I should say.

On a brighter note, my mom promised that we are going to take a family vacation to Florida and the World of Harry Potter. I super excited, and it’s another reason why I’m really looking forward to the summer. (The other reason is no school means way less stress). But on the flip side, my mom has been saying that since Harry Potter first opened in Orlando back in the summer of 2010. It’s almost been 5 years and we still have not gone. -__-

One last thing. Can someone please tell me their secrets to responding to comments? It’s becoming clear that I have no idea how to or what that even is. No, but seriously, do you have any tips for responding to comments in a timely manner? Those would be really helpful…

How was your week?
Enjoy your books!


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12 responses to “The Sunday Post – Stacking the Shelves (109)

  1. World of Harry Potter! I’m planning on going this summer once I finish finals. I’m so excited!!!!!!! 🙂 I hope you get to go! & Good luck on your exams!

    Wish I could help you with the comments thing. I’m not very good at it. I’m hoping once the school year is over, I can get better at it.

  2. I’m with you with the AP test stress. Plus where I live we had so many snow days that the semester teachers are behind in their curriculum. Deviant sounds really interesting! Hope you enjoy!
    -Monica @ Tomes Project

  3. Best wishes with your AP tests. Back in my day at a tiny school,we didn’t have AP, they just put you in with the students 1 or 2 years ahead, so no double-examming. Plus, the town sent us to a local university Jr. & Sr. year for night classes in English or Math if we had finished what they could offer.
    I find the fastest way to respond to comments is the next day go through them. Since you are on WP, you can easily just go to your Comments page and respond through that.

  4. Good luck with your tests! I’m sure you’ll do well.

    As for the comments… I don’t get masses and masses of comments on my little blog so I just go on a few times a day and respond to each via my blog’s dashboard.

  5. Good luck with your tests. 🙂 I hope you get to go to Florida. I would love to go to Harry Potter World.

    With regards to commenting I try to comment back daily but most of the time that doesn’t work, so I try to make sure every Sunday that I have replayed to the weeks comments. I just followed on bloglovin didn’t realise I wasn’t before LOL.

    My Sunday Post

  6. Congrats on winning some great giveaways, Emz! I hope you’ll enjoy those new books very much.

    Yeah, the end of the school-year is always hard, both for students and teachers! And for the time being, I am both so have the stress both ways, too. For my studies, there are only a few more weeks before the final exam, and like you, I have hardly any motivation at all 🙁 And when it comes to teaching, I freaked out over the Easter holiday, when I realized I have a lot more grammar to cover for my ESL students before their final exams. *sighs* I can’t wait for the very long summer vacation coming up soon.

    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

  7. I love your website! I was introduced to Harry Potter via my two daughters and I would love to visit The World of Harry Potter with them, it sounds like a great trip. Best wishes on your AP tests.