My favorite book blogger moment is probably the time when I fist started meeting and interacting with other bloggers, especially those that turned out to be really cool people and awesome online friends. Another moment would be the two twitter chats I’ve hosted/co-hosted. It was really fun just to be able to have a conversation with so many people. Honestly, the first time I did it, I thought I was going to be the only one there.
The challenge for Day 9 is CONS OR EVENTS YOU HOPE TO ATTEND
Well, in general, I would love, love, love to be able to attend more book signings. But unfortunately, not many authors come at either a) a convenient time or b) a convenient place. Usually the closest book signings are at least 30 minutes away from my house, which does not go over well with my mom, who is like my involuntary chauffeur.
Specially I really, really, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, want to go to BEA (Book Expo America), but my mom probably won’t let me. For even one day. Which is upsetting because I hear it’s going to move from New York City to Chicago soon. NYC is like a two hour train ride/three hour car ride (if there’s traffic) away while Chicago is…. let’s just say New Jersey is pretty far from Chicago. It’s just that I hear lots of really cool stories from people that went to BEA, even non-bloggers. Plus, it would be so cool to be able to meet up with bloggers in real life as well as attend the blogger advice thing (something I probably need to go to…)

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