Armchair BEA Day 1 – Introductions

Posted May 28, 2013 by Emily in Armchair BEA / 2 Comments

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Design credit: Nina of Nina Reads
This year will be my first year participating in Armchair Book Expo America, also known as Armchair BEA. I’m so excited! But on the other hand, I’m kind of disappointed I can’t actually go to the real BEA in New York. I mean come on, I live around a 2-3 hour car ride (or an hour train ride) away from New York City. It’s not like I have to fly there to go. But my mom won’t let me go… something about missing school. 🙁 
But before I really start to rant about that, here is my introduction.

1) Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

I’m Emily, or more commonly known as Emz (well, at least I’m more commonly known as Emz here. Here being the internet and this blog. In real life… not so much.) I’m currently a high school student who is finishing her horrific freshman year. I’m also a huge bookworm. Just ask my friends. I’ve been blogging for, I don’t know, around 6-7 months? It depends if you count the first month of scratching my head and wondering how to publish a post. I got into blogging because I felt the need to share my love of books with others. Before I had to do homework and study all day long, reading was my life.

2) Where in the world are you blogging from? Tell a random fact or something special about your current location. Feel free to share pictures.

I live in the United States, more specifically, New Jersey. In fact I have lived there my whole entire life.

Did you know, New Jersey has the highest population density out of all the states in the USA? Oh, and another cool fact. How many of you play Monopoly? Apparently all the street names in the original Monopoly were named after streets in Atlantic City. 

3) Have you previously participated in Armchair BEA? If you have not previously participated, what drew you to the event?

I stated somewhere near the top of this post that this is my first time participating in Armchair BEA. What drew me in was I would get a chance to connect with other bloggers, to meet other people who shared my love for reading and hopefully make some new friends.

4) Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.

One thing a lot people might not know about me is that besides reading, I also love to bake stuff. Stuff like brownies and cookies and cakes and… I could go on and on. Needless to say, I kind of have a sweet tooth.
5) If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?

I would probably waaaayyyyy too nervous to eat dinner with an author. But, if I could eat dinner with any character I would want to have dinner with, it would have to be either Cammie or Kat, both created by Ally Carter. Cammie is a spy and Kat is a thief. They both live pretty interesting lives, love crawling through air vents, and are really good at being sneaky. It would be nice to learn a bit more about their lives; and maybe some of their skills? And hey, maybe they can give me a few tips on how to spy on my brother and get him in trouble. It’s pay back time! Dear brother, you better watch your back. *Cue the evil laughter.*

Well, that’s me.
What about you?



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2 responses to “Armchair BEA Day 1 – Introductions

  1. Hi Emily! Congrats on being almost done with your freshman year of high school! I’m glad yours has been not so fun. Mine was also terrible. I had just moved across the country, had no friends, and ate lunch in the bathroom and cried myself to sleep every night. It got better for me, and I’m sure it will for you as well. Hope you have a fun week here!

    – Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

    • Thankfully my freshman year wasn’t so bad, it was just the workload. I’ve been going to school with almost all the kids in my grade since 6th grade so… it wasn’t as hard for me.

      Thank you so much for stopping by! 🙂