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Design credit: Nina of Nina Reads |
Today’s first topic is introductions. It was recommended that we pick FIVE of the TEN questions to answer, but I decided to be a rebel and answer six instead. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t so much me wanting to be a rebel, more like me being indecisive of which question to cut… but can we just pretend?
1) Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from?
I’m Emily, but you can call me Emz, as it is the name I most commonly use while blogging (There are just way tooooo many bloggers named Emily…) I’m a high school student and my life currently mainly revolves around school :'( Of course, I’m also a huge bibliophile and a huge part of my life is book related. Oh, and I can be very indecisive… I’ve been blogging for roughly a year and half, if you count the awkward “I have no idea what I’m doing” beginning. I got into blogging because I wanted a chance to be able to talk to fellow book lovers (my friends in real life just don’t get it.) I’m blogging from the United States. 🙂
2) Describe your blog in just one sentence. Then, list your social details — Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. — so we can connect more online.
Describe my blog in just one sentence… umm, okay, but this might end up being a run on sentence. It’s a YA blog that features discussions and reviews. As more my social media details…
Twitter: @EmzChang
Blog Facebook Page: Icy Cold Reads (I don’t really use my personal Facebook).
Ask.fm: icycoldreads (Feel free to ask me anything from book recs to blogging questions).
More links can be found on the sidebar.
3) What genre do you read the most? I love to read because ___________________ .
The genre I read the most is YA because I find that it’s the genre that is the easiest for me to connect to. Inside YA, I prefer reading fantasy because I find that it usually has a little bit of everything like action and romance. Also, it’s nice to read about a place where teens have bigger problems than grades and college apps.
4) Share your favorite book or reading related quote.
I’m not quite sure who said it, but my favorite reading related quote is:
“If you think reading is boring, you’re doing it wrong.”
(If you know who said it, can you let me know so I can give credit?)
5) If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 books would you bring? Why? What 3 non-book items would you bring? Why?
I’ll get back to you about the three books, I hate picking favorites. As for the thee non-book items, assuming they can be unrealistic and from books, I would bring Hermione’s bag, filled with books and electronics, like my laptop and Nook, and a wi-fi router (can we say that counts as one item instead of like 50 million because they are necessary for my survival?). I would also bring a survival kit (because that’s also needed for survival, duh!) and Piper’s cornucopia from The Mark of Athena (because a girl’s gotta eat).
6) What book would you love to see as a movie?
I’m just going to answer this question as if it were asking which movie adaption I would love to see. I really, really, want to see The Maze Runner because the trailer looks fantastic. If the question was referring to a book that has not yet been adapted… I’m drawing a blank. Maybe Heist Society or the Gallagher Girls series, both by Ally Carter.

So, I just spent like 20 minutes Googling that quote, and I am coming up empty, but it rocks and I love it.
You know what is funny? I am a 30-something woman and I read primarily YA because I also feel like I can connect with it the best. I guess I am just young at heart.
Lisa @Just Another Rabid Reader
I’m glad you liked the quote! I think it’s awesome that you enjoy reading YA – I know a lot of adults who turn their nose up at it.
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa! 🙂
The first year of blogging can be rough. There is so much to learn. I’ve been blogging for about a year and a half too and I feel like I’m finally getting a hang of things, but there are still little questions that pop up every now and then! Good luck!
I know what you mean, especially when it comes to questions that have to do with self doubt. Good luck to you too!
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Hi Emz. I really want to see The Maze Runner too, but I have not read the book yet. Grr. You are already in my RSS/Feedly reader, so I will see you around ACBEA.
Hi Stephanie! You really should give the book a try! I thought it was a really interesting read, although the diction can be a bit confusing at first. See you around and thanks for stopping by! 🙂
I love reading fantasy too 🙂 Bringing Hermione’s bag is a clever idea!
Fantasy is awesome! And I’m glad you thought bringing Hermione’s bag was clever (and not a stupid idea)! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Mel! 🙂
My answer for the movie adaption was different because they’re already making a movie of one book and a TV series of the other.
Really?!? I have to go check it out!
Thanks for stopping by, Rachel! 🙂
Not sure who said the quote but it’s a good one. Great idea to bring things from inside books, especially Hermione’s bag.
I’m glad you liked the quote! And thanks! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Kristina! 🙂
Welcome to Armchair BEA! I love that quote. I think I’ll use it when I have to deal with some reluctant readers I know.
I’m glad you love the quote. I hope those reluctant readers learn how to read “properly”!
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
That quote is brilliant to tell my husband… he never reads (apart fem motorbike magazines!!) and hasn’t even tried reading any of my YA books either (he keeps saying he’s waiting for then movie to come out lol!). Gorgeous blog, Emz!
Suzy Turner, Fiction Dreams
I’m glad you liked the quote… maybe you can help him learn how to read “the right way”? And thanks for the compliment! 😀
Thanks for stopping by, Suzy! 🙂
I think Heist Society would make a great movie! Love your answer to the desert island as well. Have a great Armchair BEA!
I’m glad you liked my desert island answer – I was afraid it would come off as a bit stupid. Have a great Armchair BEA to you too!
Thanks for stopping by, Kristen! 🙂
Im afraid i can’t help solve the mystery of that quote but it’s a good one.
We all had that ‘I don’t know what I’m doing’ phase when we first started blogging. Some of us (me) still don’t really know but anyway we are enjoying is so what’s it matter???
BEA Cheerleader 2014
Exactly! As long as you like what you’re doing, who really cares if you know what you’re doing!
Thanks for stopping by, Karen! 🙂
Hi Emz, nice to meet you! 🙂 Totally agree about Heist Society. What a blast that would be.
It’s nice to meet you too! 🙂 I heard that Heist was being optioned by Lionsgate, but who knows?
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
I’ve seen that quote before but I can’t remember who said it. LOL The mystery continues. Nice meeting you.
I don’t think anyone really knows who said it. Oh, well. Nice meeting you too!
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Hi Emz. I have no idea who said that quote but I have always loved it. Nice meeting you.
Hi Allison! It seems like the quote just appeared out of nowhere – no one seems to know who came up with it. Nice meeting you too!
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Hallo, Hallo Emz!!
*waves!* I am a #cheerREADER w/ #ArmChairBEA, representing Team4! 🙂 I had a lovely Memorial Day (noshing on hot dogs, tator tots, rootbeer, & a frosty waffle cone!), was slightly delayed in a monsoon, and nicked online in time for the 1st twitterverse party! I apologise I am a bit delayed arriving on your lovely blog (dig the decor & colour theme!), but I am here at long last!! 🙂 You’re a bit like me — rebel with a cause! Always be the salmon in life & in your blog life! Do what you feel led to do even if it goes against convention or the rules! Be yourself & own it!
I wish I had had a book blog myself back in high school or even middle school! How that is all twenty years in the past is beyond me! Laughs. I was always the bookish & geeky of my class too! I was tweeting in the twitter party tonight about how I had the ‘superhero’ power to navigate the halls & pathways whilst reading a book in hand and NEVER running into anything yet always arriving to class ‘on time’ yet completely oblivious to campus life! lol
Books were simply wayy more absorbing than school more than half the time!
I am going to have to visit your blog then! I just came into YA Fantasy when I uncovered the Leland Dragons series by Jackie Gamber! If you *love!* #dragonfiction, you will love her series! I even blogged about all three books in the trilogy in case you want to scope them out ahead of time!? Do you read YA Paranormal!? I have noted that I need to seek out YA Paranormal authors/titles as I cannot find my fit in the Adult side of it — except for the Ghost Harrison series or Aunt Dimity, but those two series I find are wholly true to their own w/o following the pack!? Or is it just me!?
My desert island bag would be as deep as a TARDIS, so I could include my entire print book library as well as an endless sea of lithium batteries to use my digital camera & walkman! I think books, music, & a camera would see me through! 🙂 I’d just eat what is on the island itself — fruit & veg, plus heaps of freshly caught fish!
Great intro post! Nice to find a new blog to visit too!
Jorie’s Leland Dragons series of posts
Jorie’s #ArmChairBEA Intro
Hi Jorie! I’m glad you had a nice Memorial Day! Sadly, I missed the twitter party (I blame homework), but I like your superpower. And I totally agree about books being more absorbing than school (at least most of them don’t make me want to take a nap!) I do read some YA paranormal, but not a lot. Unfortunately, I cannot help you with your question – I need to check those series out first before I can.
Thanks for stopping by, Jorie! 🙂
Hermione’s Undetectable Extension Charm sure is handy.
Yeah, too bad it doesn’t exist in real life. Then I could end up carrying a small bag instead of a bulging backpack…
Thanks for stopping by, Ayanami! 🙂
Stopping by from #ArmchairBEA! Already following you on Bloglovin’.
Thanks for following and stopping by, Amber! 🙂
Following you on Bloglovin! I really love that quote too! Very poetic!
Thanks for stopping by and following! I’m glad you liked the quote! 🙂
Great blog! Great quote too!
Aww, thanks for the nice compliments and for stopping by, Cici! 🙂
My favorite author is Emily Bronte. They often say what’s in a name, but actually it defines who we are. People often change their names. And celebrities love to name their kids after inanimate objects. I believe in creativity and the right to free expression, but “North West” Really?
Character names in fantasy books are a trip. I’ve used the name generator before. It’s funny what author’s come up with. Some names in YA are strange too.
Your name is very regal, as is mine. But sometimes I go by Roxanne like the song. Nice to meet you Emily.
I never thought of it that way before. I always kind of viewed my name as kind of boring because, well, so many other people had the same name. Nice to meet you too, Suzanne! And thanks for stopping by! 🙂