The Sunday Post – Stacking the Shelves (37)

Posted October 5, 2013 by Emily in Meme / 13 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
I have decided to try to participate in all of their memes with only one post…thus 
The Sunday Post – Stacking the Shelves.


This week’s haul is no where as good as previous weeks.
Well, because the only book I got was…

From school:

by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Yep, that’s right, I have to read The Scarlet Letter for school.

Last Week on Icy Cold Reads:

This Week on Icy Cold Reads:
  • Investigated 
  • Costume Idea
  • Waiting on Wednesday
  • Review?
  • Novel News?

This week was interesting. In more ways than one. And busy. Very busy. Unfortunately I didn’t get a very good haul this week. Although that probably is a good thing – now I have more time to read the books I already have. October is going to be an interesting and busy month too. So stay tuned, there is a lot of fun and cool stuff (well, I think it’s fun and cool) stuff coming up.

How was your week?
What did you get?
Leave a comment and I’ll try to visit.
Happy reading!


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13 responses to “The Sunday Post – Stacking the Shelves (37)

  1. The Scarlet Letter is actually pretty good – if you like historicals – check out The Crucible (similar close-mindedness superstitions and social dischord) about the Salem Witch Trials – and I second the Easy A – they did a good job incorporating the book into the film. .
    ~gaele @I am, indeed