Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Posted October 30, 2013 by Emily in / 0 Comments

There’s only one more day left until Halloween and trick-or-treating. Have you figured out your costume yet? Or are you like me, waiting until the last minute? No worries, I’ve got some last minute Halloween costumes for you.
1) Crayon
Okay, so maybe this isn’t the more interesting (or exciting) costume there is, but it sure is simple. Some of the sport teams at my school do this psych where the whole team dresses up as different color crayons. 
Materials: A whole outfit in the same color, paper, printer, computer
The last three are only needed to print the crayon label, which really only is the brand header (Crayola would probably be the best one). Wear a whole outfit that is the same color from head to toe, and then just tape the “label” to yourself (probably somewhere near your belly) and you are all set!
2) Ceiling Fan
Materials: Poster/paper, yardstick/ruler, marker, fan gear, t-shirt
Deck yourself out in fan gear to make it look as it you are a fan of ceilings. Make a sign that says “Go ceilings” and hold it up when you go trick-or-treating.
3) Zombie
Materials: Old, worn out cloths, dirt, red paint, some make up
Rip up your old clothes to make them look even older. Then smear some dirt on them to make they appear dirtier. Splash on some red paint to make it look like blood spatter. And you should be set. Oh, and if you want, you can use make up to make it even more realistic. Just look up zombie make up tutorials.
4) Maximum Ride characters
Materials: Cloths (duh) and wings (like angel wings, not butterfly ones)
Look at the post Halloween Costume #2 – Max Ride for more details.
5) A Gallagher Girl
Materials: A school uniform
More details in the post Halloween Costume #3 – Gallagher Girls.
6) Someone from the book Divergent
Details are in that post Costume #4 – Divergent.
I hope this guide is somewhat helpful. 🙂

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