Anyways, I didn’t really set a goal coming into this challenge mainly because it kept changing. (I kept finding ARCs I didn’t know I had and then looking for ones that I don’t have…). I actually read more ARCs than I thought I would. I really need to thank Octavia for hosting this challenge.
That’s a total of 4 ARCs, plus 2 if you count finalized copies of books that are yet to be published as ARCs.
Why didn’t I read more? Well, 2 reasons. 1) I could only find these 4 ARCs (not including the 2 ARCs I had already read and reviewed) and 2) Even if I did have more ARCs I doubt I wold have finished another one. I had to do summer reading for school. Still, I am extremely happy that I managed to finish reading these books. But I have yet to write the reviews… and it’s going to be a while until I do. Why? Well, because SCHOOL STARTS NEXT WEEK! 🙁

Awesome job!! And those books look fantastic!! You read a lot!
I’ve been dyin to read the beautiful and the Cursed! The cover is do cool and the premise is sooo interesting! Hope to hear your thoughts on it soon! Nice work!!
The Beautiful and the Cursed is really good. I crammed everything in August because it’s the last month of freedom and the only time I’ll have in a while to really read (cough, school). I don’t usually read that much… Thanks for stopping by! 😀
Why didn’t I saw this challenge earlier??:( I have too many ARCs to read. Great job, Emz.
Don’t worry, there’s always next year. (At least that what I heard from Octavia…) Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
This challenge is really neat. You read a lot! I did horrible in August. I think I only read 2 books. Although my average is 5, so that’s not that much anyway. I am a super slow reader, obviously. Glad you were able to go through your ARCs, and I’ll look out for your reviews when you can squeeze time in and write them 😉
My average is usually a lot lower. But I was motivated by a lot of things this month so… The reviews are probably going to come really late, just warning you. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Looks like you were pretty productive! There were so many events I wanted to participate in but since I went back to school, I didn’t have time at all. Looking forward to your reviews!
Oh, I only got back to school today so I had a lot of time in August. As for events… let’s just say most of them are started, but not finished. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Looks like you read quite a few ARCs this August! Congrats.. 🙂
Sarah @ Kitties Like Books Too
I have to thank Octavia for the motivation. If not for her, I probably would have only read one or two. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂