Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme originally hosted by The Broke and Bookish. It has relocated to That Artsy Reader Girl for the time being.
It’s a new year which means new goals! Or least a renewed interest in accomplishing old ones. Anyways, here are my 8 bookish resolutions for 2018!
Reading Goals
Read 26 Books
My main bookish goal for 2018 is to read 26 books, or approximately one book every other week. That’s around how many I managed to read in 2017 so I know it’s doable. It’s kind of sad how five years ago, I could read twice as many in the same amount of time, but life happens. *Sigh*
Read Instead of Watching TV
Last year, I realized that when I had free time, I kind of defaulted to watching TV or Netflix instead of picking up that book that’s been staring at me, begging me to read it, for the last few years or so. It’s just so much easier to stare at a screen than to get in the mindset to read (I’m a mood reader) and start reading. This year, I’m going to change that mentality… I hope.
Read Every Week
This is more like a guideline than an actual goal. Mainly because while I think I can accomplish the rest of the goals on this list, this one is more out of reach. I’m just going to use it as motivation to read when I’m “not in the mood”.
Bookish Goals
Clean out my TBR
My TBR, both physical and online, is incredibly outdated. It’s full of books I’m no longer interested in reading which adds to its intimidation factor. Maybe I’ll be more inclined to tackle my TBR if I think it’s a manageable task. One day, I’ll be able to read all the books on my TBR. (In my dreams).
Keep Track of New Releases
I am horrible at keeping track of new releases. HORRIBLE. The only releases I keep track of currently are ARCs I have because I generally have to read and review them before they hit shelves. But tracking new sequels and upcoming books? I can’t even, especially since I stopped participating in the Waiting on Wednesday meme. If you have a working system, please let me know.
Bookish Social Goals
Use Goodreads More
One of the reasons why I was able to actually meet my Goodreads goal in 2017 is because I was using Goodreads more. I generally just use Goodreads to track the books I read, want to read, and own. But this year, I want to use it more for its social aspect. I just don’t know where to start. Typical Emily.
Be More Active on #bookstagram
Okay, so this one is kind of a cop-out because I’m generally pretty active on #bookstagram already. I mean, I post every day (usually). But like with Goodreads, I want to be more socially active. I want to meet more people and comment on more posts that are not my own.
I saved the best (and hardest) goal for last. I want to blog more this year. I kind of neglected my blog last year. And it pains me to see my blog kind of just wasting away. I mean, I posted six reviews in a row. SIX! Over the course of 5 months. We’ll see how this goal goes. What have I gotten myself into?
The End Goal
I guess what all my goals have in common is that they’re all based on happier, simpler days. A few years ago, I wouldn’t even bat an eye at most of these but now I’m already thinking of all the steps I need take, all the work that is required, to accomplish them. Balance. A balance between life and reading, social life and self-care. That’s the ultimate goal for 2018.
What are some of your 2018 bookish resolutions?
Do you have any suggestions that could help me reach mine?

I like the idea of achieving more of a balance! I definitely need to do that. I want to get back to my old organised self when it comes to blogging. It makes you feel so much better! Good luck with these goals.
I’m terrible at keeping track of new releases, too. How are you planning to find out what’s being released?
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
When I did Waiting on Wednesday, I used to find out about upcoming YA releases. It’s a pretty complete list. I’m thinking about adding interesting books I find on that site to my to read shelf on Goodreads and using that to keep track of everything. We’ll see how it goes.
Very, very nice! Love the ‘balance’ plan. I think that we all often get so caught up in the chase for new books and reading to a plan, we lose the fun and enjoyment factor. Good luck!!
I need to do better at Goodreads. I’ve let it slip the past few months. Some great goals here!
It’s so hard to juggle Goodreads along with all the other social aspects of reading and blogging! Plus, I still find it hard to remember to log on to Goodreads whenever I start or finish a book, so I have a lot of work ahead.
I love how you made your list with simple yet achievable goals. Cleaning out my TBR is definitely on my list too.
I hope you accomplish all of your goals this year 🙂
This week I have posted my top ten bookish pet peeves.
awesome resolutions! I would like to be more active in social media too! 🙂
Good luck with your goals! I used to love Bookstagram a couple of months ago, but now it feels so discouraging. It`s full of people that just want a follow and it`s sad because it was a great space to talk about books. And stare at pretty pictures! I do want to get back into it in 2018 though, I still enjoy taking pictures of books.
Carmen`s Reading Corner
Good luck with your goals! I don’t keep track of new releases at all – not even my ARCS. :/
What I usually do when I’m checking out anything new is to pick any YA book on Goodreads and click the “Young Adult” tag on the right hand side. Goodreads has a handy list for all the popular new books!
I’m trying to stick to more goals this year, the main being less stressed – I’ve quit bookstagram on Instagram and I’m not creating any reading goal on Goodreads. I dedicated way too much time on Instagram last time and I just stressed myself out with it.
Good luck with your goals! Vee @