Today is Day 14 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Good Books and Good Wine, which means that there is only one more day to go. I cannot believe it. Miraculously, I am still somewhat on track. Hopefully, I can last another day. If you want to learn more about it, click HERE.
Today’s topic is…
Tell us about your deal breakers.
Deal breakers for what? Deal breakers to read a book? Or not to read a book? When it comes to reading, I’m not very picky. With that in mind, I guess I’ll start with the deal breakers to read a book first.
Deal breakers to read a book…
- It’s written by an author whose previous work won him/her my admiration/adoration.
- It’s the next installment to a series that I’ve been reading.
- It’s synopsis is intriguing to me.
- When it’s a YA book.
That’s pretty much it. Like I said before, I’m not a picky reader. I basically read anything YA except…
Deal breakers NOT to read a book…
- It’s written by an author whose previous work gave me a headache.
- It’s part of a series that I don’t/didn’t enjoy reading.
- It’s synopsis is boring.
- It’s a horror book.
- It involves a love triangle.
- It seems like it is going to be overly filled with romance.
- It has something to do with Twilight.
- It’s a horror book. (Did I say that already?)
Okay, okay, I admit it, the love triangle part doesn’t always apply. Only when I don’t like where it’s going or if I feel like the story revolves around it. As for the other parts, they are pretty much self explanatory. Did I mention I really, really don’t like horror books? No? Well, they tend to give me nightmares and I really like my sleep. Laugh all you want, but anything that disrupts my sleep is something I like to avoid.

Horror, love triangles and authors that I didn’t like their previous work – all dealbreakers for me too!
The Twilight thing made me laugh. I’m against books when the little teaser quote thing is by Stephanie Meyer… or the blurb says that it’s Twilight meets something else. My copy of City of Bones tells me that Stephanie Meyer loves it… really turned me off. but read it and loved it anyway so I guess it’s not a real dealbreaker.
You’re nearly finished the 15 day challenge! Well done!
I agree with you about the teaser quote thing. I had the same problem with City of Bones. It was horrible. I spent a lot of time wandering around the book store looking for a copy without it… Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
I can relate to both lists. However, although I still don’t like love triangles, I’ll still read books with them if the story itself is good/interesting!
I’ll do that too. Except when I feel like the whole plot depends on the love triangle. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Oh my goodness your Deal Breakers list made me giggle!
Glad you liked them. 😀 Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
I am sensing that you don’t like horror.
Yeah, horror really isn’t my thing. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂