Welcome to ‘State of the Blog’, my monthly recap post because I’m too lazy to write weekly ones. I’m linking this one up to The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. 🙂
Looking Back on November
When I said we’re going to look back on November, I also meant the rest of 2019 so far. One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to blog more. In the last 11 months, I’ve published 2 posts. Both of them were posts I was obligated or felt obligated to publish. Clearly, that resolution hasn’t been going too well for me. But I spent all of November drafting posts so here’s to hoping I can make a comeback and finally bring this blog out of hiatus.
Part of the reason why my blogging resolution was so slow to take off was because this year has been super busy for me. Between my summer internship (which involved me working fulltime for the first time in my life), and entering my last year of college, I was just super overwhelmed.
And I’m not going to lie, there were many times this year when I thought about calling it a day and pulling the plug on this blog. It’s just kinda of disheartening. I’ve been away from blogging for so long, I barely know who to follow – most of my favorite bloggers from when I used to post everyday are either on hiatus too or they have more or less left the community. Let me know some blogs you love!
To be honest, it wasn’t until I changed my reading habits that I realized how much I’d miss being here. Outside of this community, who else am I supposed to gush over or complain about a book with? I guess with everything going on, that’s what triggered a reminder of why I started this blog, and all the subsequent social media accounts that followed, in the first place.
Blogging gave me a sense of community that didn’t depend on where I was or what I was reading.
And I’m so exited to be back.
Books Read in November
- Show Me the Way by A.L. Jackson
- Hunt Me Down by A.L. Jackson
- Follow Me Back by A.L. Jackson
- Coming Up on Roses by Staci Hart
- Baking Me Crazy by Karla Sorensen
- Stud Muffin by Jiffy Kate
- The Dugout by Meghan Quinn
Looking Forward to December
What’s Happening
December marks the last few weeks of classes before I become a second semester senior. Thankfully, I don’t have a lot of finals this semester, hence why I thought it’d be a good idea to attempt a blogging comeback now, instead of waiting for the New Year.
- Read every day
- Publish at least one post every week
Clearly, I’m not the best at accomplishing goals (*cough* New Year’s Resolution) but these seem pretty doable…. right?
Posts to Look Out For
- How my reading habits have changed
- Review – Descendant of the Crane
- How to Set Better Goals (lol)
- … and hopefully many others! 🙂
How was your November?
What are you looking forwards to in December?

Change can be brutal… wishing you luck with your blogging goals.
Have a great reading week
I suck at goals and resolutions. Every time I think “Ya, I’m gonna do this reading challenge” its like the kiss of death. I have decided that there will be NO more goals for me because no matter what, I seem to fail at them!
Life happens. And obviously, you have to get your training and studies nailed, so for the time being the blog goes on the backburner. Glad you feel able to resume it:)). I hope the coming week is a good one, Emz.
Finding time to blog is challenging. I was working fulltime + tons of overtime this summer, and I pretty much had to give up on blogging. I’m slowly getting back to it. Good luck with your blogging comeback!
There is nothing wrong with taking a break from blogging. We all have done it. Like some of the others have said above, your studies and your sanity is more important. At least you are still reading! 😀
I have been meaning to pick up more by Meghan Quinn and Staci Hart. I’ll have to check out the ones you mentioned.
Good luck with your goals! ♥
[…] a long time since I wrote one of these posts – I think my last monthly recap post was for November 2019. 2019! Which is funny since 2019 felt like both yesterday and also a lifetime ago. I’m […]