Blogging Resources – Blogging Tutorials

Posted April 10, 2015 by Emily in Blogging Tips and Tricks / 16 Comments

I had a really fun time last time compiling a list of where to find free pre-made Blogger templates so I thought I would compile another list of resources. This time mostly tutorials to help you start a blog. Just FYI, all the text in purple are links.

This is a really helpful guide about how to start blogging. In it, you can find guides and instructions on how to set up your blog, manage it, create content, and much more. While it’s more of a resource for blogging in general, and not just book blogging, it’s still a really helpful resource, one I wish I had discovered when I first started blogging. It would have saved me a lot of headaches…

Nose Graze

Ashley has an incredible about of really helpful and useful tutorials. From starting a blog, to coding, to blogging problems, Ashley definitely has you covered. And if she doesn’t have what you’re looking for, you can just ask her a question. Nose Graze is usually the first place I stop by if I have a blogging question.

These Paper Hearts

Stephanie also has a lot of tutorials. Even better, she has a lot of ones for Blogger, not just WordPress.

Book Nerd Canada’s The Newbie’s Guide to Book Blogging

Giselle’s list of tutorials really helped me out when I was first starting to learn the ropes of book blogging.


Rachel has a lot of really great tutorials on how to improve your blog as well as a lot of advice.

Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Kimba has a lot of tutorials on blogging that I found really helpful.

Icey Books

Hafsah has a feature called “Build an Author Website” and even though its directed at authors, bloggers can use it too.

Book Blogger: 100+ Links to Everything You Need to Know

Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea has compiled a wonderful list with, you guessed it, 100+ links that will be helpful to you. So if you don’t find what you’re looking for…

This is really just a small list of websites I used when I first started blogging. I still use some of them now. If you have any websites you want to me include, just leave a comment. I hope you find this list helpful! 🙂


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16 responses to “Blogging Resources – Blogging Tutorials

  1. Emz you got great content on your blog! I’ll be visiting you pretty often 🙂 definitely stealing your button and featuring you in my next post “Around the blogosphere” 🙂

  2. Awesome resource list! I subscribe to quite a few of those blogs already, and always learn a ton from them. I’ll have to check out the others that I didn’t know about before.