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My favorite author event that I have attended was definitely the one with Ally Carter last fall. Okay, so maybe it was the only event I have attended with a YA author (all of the other ones were from when I was younger), but it is the one I will remember the most for a few reasons. First of all, Ally is awesome and also really funny. Another thing is that even though the event was crowded, everyone who wanted an autographed copy of one of her books, got to meet her in person. And it was more than just the sign, next person, sign, next… routine. Ally was a bit more personal and it was definitely less rushed.
After I started blogging, I’ve definitely had a lot of increased author interactions, whether it was on Twitter or through email. I think part of this is because I’ve become more… social and connected. Twitter is a great place to connect with authors, and the reason I created a twitter was to promote my blog. (Since then, Twitter has proven it has many other benefits and uses beside promotion). I also met a lot of awesome authors who I would never had if I hadn’t started blogging. Blogging has opened me up to the authors who are self published / indie published. I probably would never have had picked up some of their books just because I had no clue they existed.
As for tips, my only tip is don’t be afraid of authors. Usually they tend to be nice people, especially if you declare your love for one of their books. That being said, I need to work on taking my own advice…
More Than Just Words
Okay, I might be alone in this, but I usually prefer books over any other format. I’m not a huge comic or manga reader and I don’t really listen to audiobooks. I’m not quite sure why I’m not very interested in comics or manga, but I think it might have something to do with the fact that all of my friends only really read books with only words and no pictures. *Shrug.* As for audiobooks, that’s a bit more complicated. I don’t really mind audiobooks as long as the only thing I’m doing is listening to them. I find that I try multitasking and attempt to, I don’t know, clean my room, I’ll lose focus and won’t really be paying attention to what is happening in the book. It’s like when I listen to music while I’m doing my math homework. I hear it and all the lyrics, but it isn’t really registering in my mind. It just becomes noise until I start to focus on the music alone. The same thing happens when I listen to audiobooks. I cannot tell you how many times I started listening to a book only to look up an hour or two latter and be like “What???? How??” ?_? All that being said, it is fun to just put everything on hold for a while and just listen to the narrator read, especially when the narrator is the author.

I’m with you, I like my books. For me it doesn’t matter if they are real or ebooks. I’ve dabbled in audio books and graphic novels, but they never grab me like a good old book.
Nothing can beat the power of a good old book!
Thanks for stopping by again! 🙂
I completely agree with you on books. There’s nothing like holding a print version of a book in your hands.
Exactly! Sorry audiobooks, but physical copies for the win!
Thanks for stopping by again, Allison! 🙂
I’d love to see Ally Carter live. I saw Marissa Meyer and she was as funny and smart and charming as you’d expect. Lovely to see authors live up to our expectations. 🙂
I only wish I could meet them in person more often…
Thanks for stopping by again! 🙂
I enjoy graphic novels but agree on the audio books. Find I can not focus on the story because I’m trying to do other things at the same time
What kind of graphic novels do you like? Maybe I’ll give them another go.
Thanks for stopping by again Kristina! 🙂
I do enjoy reading books more than any other type, but I like reading graphic novels and comics too.
I haven’t really listened to any audiobooks. I feel that I would have the same problem wanting to multitask then I wouldn’t be able to pay attention to the book. But I do think that audiobooks would be good on trips, especially if I am driving. Great post!
What graphic novels and comic books do you enjoy? I’m thinking about starting to read them again.
Thanks for stopping by, Stephanie! 🙂
Twitter has certainly made the world smaller and authors and bloggers more accessible. It is certainly a great forum to interact!
I honestly don’t know where I would be blogging without Twitter – that’s how I met a lot my blogging friends.
Thanks for stopping by again, Cici! 🙂
I prefer books as well though during a bout of insomnia, the audio books came in handy because they didn’t disturb my husband. I listen to books during my daily walk. I’ve tried audio books during housework, but the vacuum is too loud.
True, audiobooks do have their purposes. A loud vacuum has foiled my plans to listen to audiobooks before too!
Thanks for stopping by again! 🙂
I’m the same as you with audiobooks… they get lost on me and I always feel I need to actually read a copy.
I find that if I listen while reading at the same time, it can be quite enjoyable. But a lot of times the narrator doesn’t read fast enough…
Thanks for stopping by again! 🙂
Ally is really cool, even though we only met briefly at the RT Convention last year. I love meeting authors and have met several of my favorites already, which is amazing. One of my best was actually having a lunch conversation with Tamora Pierce at a conference I was at. She’s so awesome.
I sometimes find myself straying on audiobooks when I listen to them but for the most part I get pulled in. I’m a major multitasker – I watch tv while blogging, etc so maybe it just fits me best. Great post!
Lucky! I wish I could go do the RT Convention (or even BEA) or go to author events often… I’m so jealous! About both meeting authors and your ability to multitask.
Thanks for stopping by again, Kristen! 🙂
It’s great when authors take the time with their fans and not give of the feeling they’re being interrupted! I feel I’ve definitely become more social and confident through blogging, not just in relation to authors but also in general. I find it impossible to listen to an audiobook while doing anything else. I once tried to do the dishes while listening to one and just stood with my hands in soapy water for 10 minutes before I decided to do them later! I prefer forming my opinion of a book alone, without a narrator’s interpretation!
Great answer, hopefully I’ll see you around again soon!
My Author Interaction post
Juli @ Universe in Words
I know exactly how you feel with the dishes situation… I lost count of how many times I’ve tried to multitask by reading / listening while doing something else and only ended up reading / listening.
Thanks for stopping by, Juli! 🙂