Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.
This week’s prompt is “10 Books From X Genre That I’ve Recently Added To My TBR List”. While most of these are titles are newer ones, there are some old ones from a while ago that I kind of… forgot about. ? I technically picked two genres (fantasy and science fiction), but it can be hard to tell them apart without reading the book so I just lumped them together. Fantasy happens to be my favorite genre and therefore the only genre that had had around 10 recent additions. ?
Out for a While
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
This has been on my general TBR for a while, but I just recently added it to my summer TBR. Hopefully, that means I’ll actually end up reading it this year, but I’ve been saying that since it was published in 2015 so…
Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
This is another title that I’ve had my eye for a while and just never got around to reading. I’m a little nervous to read it – Alexandra Bracken’s other series, The Darkest Minds is perhaps my favorite book of all time. But like Illuminae, I’m determined to finally get to it this summer.
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
With its sequel coming out later this year, I have to read this novel before fall comes around.
Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza
This title is a little more recent, but since I’ve owned it for a few months now (signed and personalized too), I probably should start reading it soon.
New Releases
For some reason, a bunch of the books that I’ve recently added to my TBR are published today of all days. It’s like they knew I was going to be publishing this post today.
The Possible by Tara Altebrando
I sorta knew about this book but wasn’t totally familiar with it until I visited Bloomsbury’s offices last Wednesday. (You can read more about my visit in my recap of my day in NYC). This was one of the books they were talking about and got me interested in reading it, hence why it’s on my TBR.
Breaking by Danielle Rollins
I got an ARC of this at Blogbound and thought it sounded interesting (and right up my alley). Hopefully, I’ll be able to give it a read before next year.
Want by Cindy Pon
When I first heard about this book, I was so excited. Finally, a book set in Taiwan – a place that has a large impact on my family’s history! I can’t wait to read this book since it’ll be a representation of the culture passed down to me as a Taiwanese (and Chinese) American.
To Be Published
There are still a few books that are on my TBR and have yet to be published. But I’ve been lucky enough to have ARCs of them so you can bet I’ll be reading them soon. 🙂
What Goes Up by Katie Kennedy
This is another book that the Bloomsbury PR and Marketing team hyped up when I visited their offices.
The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones
This book sounds so intriguing and a bit different from the fantasy/sci-fi books I usually read.
Reign the Earth by A.C. Gaughen
Yet another book recommended by the Bloomsbury team. This will probably be the last one on this list that I’ll read – it doesn’t get published until next year so why read it early and have to stew and keep my thoughts to myself?
What about you?
What books have you just added to your TBR?
Do you have any of my picks on your list?

I hope you enjoy Illuminae. I was really excited to read it and managed to overhype it for myself… I hop you enjoy these books when you get around to them!
I’m pretty sure I overhyped for myself too – so many people seem to love it so much – but I feel obligated to read it since I bought it. ?
I’ve heard so much about Illuminae- but I’ve never added it to my TBR list, maybe just because I usually pick up fantasy books that aren’t on my TBR. I like to finish off entire fantasy series at once and then get back to my regular reading….
I usually like to read a whole series at once too – it’s easier for me since my memory is so bad I always have to reread books – but at this point I feel like if I don’t read it now, I never will. ?
I’m DEFINITELY reading What Goes Up. I read the author’s first book and loved it. Also, YES to THE POSSIBLE. I just started it and I’m SO hooked.
I haven’t read her first book. I’m going to have to add that to my tbr! I’m hoping to start The Possible as soon as I get over my book hangover. Everyone seems to enjoy it. 🙂
I know what you mean about having books on your tbr list for a while. There’s never enough time to read all the books I want to. Nice list! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday!
Thank you! Not only is there not enough time, I just keep adding books and never taking any of them off. ?
Ooooh, great choices! A bunch of these are on my TBR, too. I can’t recommend Illuminae strongly enough! It was wonderful.
I’ve heard so many good things about Illuminae that it’d be on the top of my list if I can lower my expectations a bit. Going in with high expectations always ends up as a disaster for me. ?
I still have to read Three Dark Crowns, had it for ages!
I’ve had it for so long too! Half of me wants to wait for its sequel to come out first before reading it, and the other half just wants to read it asap.
I havent read any of these, but I do have passenger and 3 dark crowns on my shelf.
I know a lot people who loved them both – hopefully we will too!
I’ve read Illuminae, or rather I listened to it and really enjoyed it. I haven’t read the other three in your “Out for Awhile” category, but I own them all and really want to read them soon! I also read fantasy mostly so I challenge myself to write about contemporary for my TTT
Haha I was going to do contemporary too but I didn’t have enough books for even a half a list. ? Most of the contemporaries on my tbr come from my shelves and thus have been on my list for a long, long time.