Depending on what you consider to be a blogoversary, my one year blogoversary could be today. It was 10/11/12 when I first created a Blogger account and then a blog. But then again, my blogoversary could also be on Halloween as it wasn’t until 10/13/12 that I really started book blogging (before it was just kind of random stuff). Whichever you consider to be a blogoversary, please tell me in the comments.
Anyways to celebrate I, with the help of a lot of good friends on Twitter (you know who you are, I hope), I have decided to do a Twitter chat. There really is no set topic, but I really like interacting with other book bloggers. Plus, right now, I feel like I’m spewing with advice on what to do and what not to do. Advice is probably going to be the main topic of the chat, but we could also chat about books and other stuff. Anyways, the chat will be on Friday, October 18 at 9pm Eastern Time. However, this might change (it’ll depend on the amount of homework I have). If it does, I will update the post and also be Tweeting about it. But it most likely would stay the same however, I have moved it to 9pm. You can follow me @EmzChang on Twitter (there’s a widget to do it somewhere on the sidebar), but you don’t have to. I don’t really know if I need a hashtag and I can’t think of one either. Want to help me with that?
UPDATE (10/15/13): I have taken Jessica’s suggestion of using #icyadvice as the hashtag. ALSO I HAVE MOVED THE CHAT TO 9pm EASTERN TIME!!!!
What do you consider to be a blogoversary?
Should I have a hashtag, and if yes, what should it be?

I most likely will be able to participate in the chat! 🙂 Though I’ll have to see a little closer to it! If you decide to have a hashtag, maybe #icyadvice? or something like that? I’m not very good with stuff like that! I think a blogoversary is whenever you think it is! If it feels like the 11th to you then that’s it or if it feels like the other day then that’s it! And I think you should pick the time best for you! This will be fun! 🙂
SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! And I love Jessica’s idea of #icyadvice! I alway need a hashtag otherwise I get confused!!!
And your BLOGOVERSARY should be whenever you want it to be!!
Congrats Emz! I’m so glad you stuck with the blog and I can’t wait for the twitter chat!!! (I’m going to make my dad drive me home as fast as he can so I can make it on time!)