15 Day Book Blogger Challenge – Day 6

Posted July 13, 2013 by Emily in bookish challenges / 0 Comments

Today is Day 6 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Good Books and Good Wine. If you want to learn more about it, click HERE. We are officially more than one third of the way through this challenge. I can’t believe it.

The topic for Day 6 is…
Describe how you shop for books.

There are a few different ways/methods that I use when I shop for books. Usually I just browse through the YA section of the book store and try to find books with synthesis that seem interesting. Of course a pretty cover helps. Other times I browse by author – to see if some of my favorite authors wrote books that I haven’t read yet. Same thing applies to series. And then I flip through a few pages of the book before I buy it to make sure I like it first. However, when I usually shop for books, it’s when I already know what book(s) I want to buy. It’s usually when I read a book I borrowed from the library and really really liked it.

How do you shop for books?



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