Going back to how the movie seems to boast a really talented cast, I also think they have a really good marketing / advertising team. Whoever decided to premiere the trailer in one of the commercial breaks of Teen Wolf is a genius. That was really smart – show the trailer to people watching the show and a bunch of people who like Dylan O’Brien, who plays Stiles on Teen Wolf and Thomas in The Maze Runner movie. I know a lot of people are going to see the movie just because he’s in it. And I know he’s not the only actor who has a huge number of fans. It’s not exactly the best reason to see the movie, but hey, as long as the movie does well in the box office and they don’t complain about it later, that’s okay with me. Box office success = The Scorch Trials movie.
My favorite part of the trailer is probably when Thomas first arrives and Gally jumps down into the box and says “Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine.” That being said, the trailer reveals some parts of the movie that I think are changed from a book. Now, excuse me if I’m wrong, it’s been a long time since I last read the book, but I’m pretty just the Gladers didn’t have a 3-D map… That being said, it is pretty epic. I also don’t really remember the scene with whoever it is underwater. Maybe I need to refresh my memory or maybe something was added? And did we just catch a glimpse at GRIEVER? I’m kind of scared (and excited) to find out what they’ll look like in the movie. Based on what little part we saw, I’m going to take the guess that’s it won’t be very pretty. More like the complete opposite with the ability to summon nightmares… I never thought I’d say this, but I can’t wait until September. Sure school starts again, but hopefully, The Maze Runner Movie will be worth it.
What did you think?
Are you excited for the movie?

Wait, what?!!!! I had no idea the trilogy was being made into movies-oh my gosh I’m so happy right now 😀 I loved the books!!
YES! I”M SO EXCITED! When I saw it, I just died! <3