I always get a lot of recommendations. I’m pretty sure I give a lot out too. But sometimes the ones you just aren’t in the mood for the ones you get, so you’re forced to go book hunting. Where do you get you’re recommendations from?
I’ve used Goodreads for recommendations for a long time now. It has helped me discover books I probably would never had picked up without it. I found a lot of my favorite books through Goodreads, for example, If I Stay by Gayle Forman. It’s also helpful in the sense that it not only recommends current books, but ones written years before. As long as it thinks certain books go with the genres you usually read or fit the books on your shelves, any book could be recommended.
It’s also fun going through other people’s TBR shelves and Goodreads has a lot of lists too.
Other Blogs
This one is obvious. I love reading what other bloggers have to say about a certain book. If they love it and their tastes at least somewhat match mine, then I’m usually game to give a book a shot. The only problem is that most bloggers are focusing on books that are currently being published, were just published, or not yet published. Which also means the hype monster syndrome. 🙁
Social Media / Own Blog
Don’t know what book to read? Post (ahem, tweet) your dilemma and you are almost guaranteed a response… assuming, of course, you have followers that care enough to respond… Sometimes when I don’t know what book to read next, I’ll just post a question under the review I just wrote and usually someone in the comments will respond… Usually.
Eh, yeah no. It’s not that I don’t get recs from my schoolmates, just that usually the recs I get are… disappointing. Disappointing in the sense that some people want me to read Twilight. Disappointing in the sense that people want me to read Divergent and The Hunger Games when I read and recommended them years ago (and no one listened to my recs, sigh). Disappointing in the sense that most of the recs I get are for whatever books that are “popular”.
I used to get a lot of good recommendations at the library… when it still had a YA librarian. Now that she has moved to a different library and a replacement was never hired (because we have like 4 children’s librarians), I don’t get a ton of recs there anymore. I do get a monthly newsletter with recs but it’s just not the same as having a person give you because they know you.
Where do you get your book recommendations?

I think most of my recommendations are either from Goodreads or other blogs. I think I also find reads by simply browsing Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
I agree with the school thing. I never ask my classmates for book recommendations. It just doesn’t work. I could ask my bestie, but she’s usually too busy to read or is always reading something I’ve recommended to her.
Oh, I totally forgot Amazon and Barnes & Noble recommend books too. Whoops! Thanks for reminding me!
Thanks for stopping by Amy! 🙂
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[…] Emz asks: where do you get your book recommendations? […]
I always go to Goodreads for new recommendations, especially to look at shelves made by some of my trusted blogging friends 🙂
It’s mostly other blogs at the moment, and I am quite easily influenced by Twitter too. My library has a great selection but their recommendations suck. They are quite stereotypical with what they recommend to who and I find it quite frustrating! I also don’t know any readers in real life so I have to seek out recommendations myself. I like Goodreads but I tend to add books to my TBR based on their covers or WHO liked them rather than based on the actual synopsis.