Today is Day 15 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Good Books and Good Wine, which means that today is the last day of this challenge. If you want to learn more about it, click HERE. Anyway, I am still kind of amazed I managed to relatively stay on track and finish the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge by posting Day 15 ON Day 15. I’m so sad that the challenge is over. It was nice to have topic to post about rather than having to decide myself.
That being said, today’s challenge is…
Who are your book blogging mentors?
I don’t really have that many mentors. I kind of had to figure things out myself. But I do have a few book bloggers that help figure things out. The problem is naming all of them, so I’m just going to name the first few that pop into my head. Hey, call me lazy or whatever, but just remember, I have a life outside of blogging… a life that involves a LOT of homework even during the summer.
I admire the following ladies for many reasons. For their tutorials, tips and tricks, and for their blogging success. Hmm, I guess maybe you could call them mentors?
Ashley @ Nose Graze
Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Giselle @ Book Nerd
Rachel @ Parajunkee
Like I said, I didn’t really have anyone to teach me the ropes of book blogging. I had to teach myself. But the ladies listed above made it a whole lot easier.
Who are your book blogging mentors?

Parajunkee is one of my mentors too! I have learned so much from her.
I know right! I love you Blogging 101 tips. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Thank you so much for the mention! <3
And eeww – homework during the summer? 🙁 That’s awful!!
I should be thanking you for your tutorials. Homework during the summer isn’t as bad as it sounds… Thanks for stopping by! 🙂