Truth or Dare? is hopefully going to be lasting feature on the blog. I find that sometimes it’s hard to do things by ourselves and without any other motivation (from other people). Things like tackling our TBR piles (yes, I know how enormous and humongous and abnormally large they are). Things like posting your reviews on Goodreads and other sites (not just your blog). That’s why I’m planning on dishing out a few challenges maybe once or twice a month to get things moving. The first one is coming out tomorrow. It’s totally fine if you have already completed the challenge. Maybe for some reason you don’t have a TBR pile (o.O), but that doesn’t mean you get off easy. If you are done with the challenge, your new challenge is to help other people and push them to complete the challenge. BUT, they aren’t going to be normal challenges. And sometimes they might not be as easy as they seem. There’s probably going to be a little twist to them. The ideas behind a lot of them come from different places, not just the literary world or the blogosphere….so stayed tuned. I don’t know, it sounded cooler when I first thought of it.
So, truth or dare? You chose dare right? Good, because even if you didn’t that’s what you’ll be choosing. (Cue evil laugh). I dare YOU to promise to try tomorrow’s challenge.

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