Today’s post is brought you by JORD Watches, who specializes in making elegant wooden watches for both women and men.
Get a Watch
It’s always great to have a watch, and I’m not just saying that because I’m collaborating with JORD on this post. Watches, especially JORD watches, typically do two things really well. They help you look great and put together and of course, tell time.
I love how my Frankie Dark Sandalwood & Smoke is classy and unique and not too too flashy. It’s elegant with its neutral tone that goes with everything in my closet.
And it’s so nice to be able to just glance at my JORD watch on my wrist and see what time it is. It’s so convenient! There’s absolutely no way I can accidentally end up scrolling through Instagram for 30 minutes.
To help you get started on this tip, I’m co-hosting a giveaway with JORD watches where you can win $100 off any watch of in their collection, including my Frankie! And even if you don’t win the grand prize, everyone who enters will get a 10% discount code. Just fill out this form before September 9th to enter! May the odds be ever in your favor!
Plan with Time Blocks
Normal to-do lists don’t work for me and if they don’t work for you either, I highly recommend you try time blocking. Essentially for every task you need to do, assign it to a certain time period. Instead of just writing “go to the gym” plan to go to the gym at a certain time, say 6 AM to 7 AM, for example.
Give Yourself Extra Time
One way to not be late and always on time is to give yourself some wiggle room. The easiest way to do that is to set your watch 3 – 5 minutes ahead of time to keep you on your toes and stop you from always running late.
You should also plan for tasks and commutes to take longer than you think. This way when a project you planned takes an extra 30 minutes to finish, you won’t be behind schedule because you anticipated that delay. Not only will this help you with time blocking, but it’d give you some extra incentive to stay on task – if you finish early you have more time to relax.
Give Yourself Less Time
No, I’m not crazy. Yes, I know tip #4 is the opposite of tip #3 but hear me out. This is for all of you who work better closer to deadlines. Simply give yourself less time to accomplish tasks. The trick is to give yourself a new due date, one before the actual date so you’ll have to deal with the time pressure of completing something, but still have extra time left to finesse and perfect it before it’s time to hand it in.
Be careful with this one. Multitasking has actually been proven to be inefficient so it won’t be the smartest thing to browse Facebook during class. But for more mindless things, find a way to use your time more efficiently. Whether it’s reading or listening to an audiobook during your commute, or even getting your exercise in while you watch your favorite tv shows and YouTube channels, for instance.
I hope you found these tips helpful!
Do you have any other time management tips?
Share them with me in the comments below!

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