Love to Write
Memes are my favorite to write because they are the easiest, fastest, and simplest to post. I have a template so I just plug stuff in and I’m all set. It only takes like 5-10 minutes to write a meme and schedule. JK. I’m just kidding. Personally, I like writing my discussion posts the best, especially my Investigated ones. Thoughtful is fun to write too, but it more blogging related while Investigated is more book related. And as much as I love blogging, I love reading even more. I think discussion posts are the easier for me to write, which is also probably why they are my favorite to write. Coming up with an idea to discuss that isn’t overdone is the hard part, though I can usually come up with something… usually. I like writing discussion posts so much that I split mine up into two different features so I can have an excuse to post two a week. Yeah, that’s how much I love discussion. Plus I always feel like spending the time to write a discussion posts, especially my Investigated ones, pays off for me more than any other type of post. They usually get the most comments (memes don’t really count) and the most trackbacks (which means more people are sharing them). Thus they also get the most pageviews.
I hate writing…
I hate writing reviews. It’s just so hard for me for some reason. While I can crank out a decent discussion post like this on in maybe 15 minutes, 30 tops, reviews usually take me at least 45 minutes. At least. And the worst part is that I usually end up cutting a lot of what I write (which means I wasted time) because it ends up being wayyy too long and apparently everyone prefers shorter reviews (I do too, to be honest). And then there’s the fact that my rating system is a messed up (in comparison to Goodreads’ standard at least). Sigh. Reviews, why do you got to be so hard. That’s why so far, I’ve only posted one review this year.
Love to read
I love reading discussion posts. Lists are pretty fun too. Oh, and blogging tips, especially WordPress ones, are the best. They can be legit life savers.
Dislike Reading
I kind of go back and forth on this one. In short, I don’t really like to read unoriginal content. So blitzes are the absolute worse. Memes can be bad too, but they give me the chance to meet new bloggers and discover new blogs, so they get a pass…
What are your favorite types of posts to read and write?
Which ones do you dislike the most?

Reviews are the worst to write, I’ve written so many that I feel like I’m saying the same things over and over again. I would have to say that my favorites are the unique features that we have, I always have the most fun with them 🙂
Definitely favorite to read and write are discussion posts, lists, etc. Least fave for both are reviews. Which is weird if you think about the fact that we are book bloggers heh.
I actually like writing reviews the most, even tho they can be a pain… I do like discussion posts, although I don’t so very many. I like reading them as they are good conversation starters.
Reviews have gotten harder and harder for me to write. I don’t know if I’m more critical of my writing now than when I was first blogging. I’ve definitely noticed a difference though.
Discussions are my favorite to write. I don’t write them often because it takes me quite a lot of time to think of them, but these are the posts I get the most interaction on. I love that!
My least favorite posts to read is probably the Waiting on Wednesday meme. I have nothing against people who do it. I just think I get sick of seeing all the posts on Wednesday, and I don’t think I gain much by reading them.
I think reviews are actually some of my favorite posts to write (IF I have good things to say). They’re actually my fastest ones to write about 85% of the time. I’m not sure I have a least favorite to write.
To read I like to read discussion posts & writing tips. I don’t like reading a lot of reviews, though if they’re really well written I get into them. I got back and forth on whether I like reading any memes or not — I like summary ones because I get a good snapshot of activity. I go back and forth on Top Ten Tuesdays