The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by The Story Siren.
I have decided to try to participate in all of their memes with only one post…thus
by Kathy Reichs
by Kathy Reichs
This Week on Icy Cold Reads:
- Review of HEIST SOCIETY by Ally Carter
- Waiting on Wednesday
- Promo Book Tour: PHANTOM by Laura DeLuca
Don’t forget to enter in the DUALED giveaway!
I’ll give away an ARC of DUALED if more than 50 people enter…
I apologize that the blog hasn’t been updated the past week.
Spring break starts today for me… YAY!!, and teachers just love to flood us with tests before we get to go on break…
But since I’m on Spring Break, and my brother is following the family tradition of being sick during it (which means we aren’t going anywhere), I will have a lot more time to catch up on the blog, review wise and comment wise – I have yet to respond to comments from two weeks ago.
Oh and can someone help me out?
I’m having Internet Explorer problems.
If you haven’t noticed already, my blog roll doesn’t scroll like it’s supposed to on IE, but it works everywhere else.
Any suggestions?
I’ll give away an ARC of DUALED if more than 50 people enter…
I apologize that the blog hasn’t been updated the past week.
Spring break starts today for me… YAY!!, and teachers just love to flood us with tests before we get to go on break…
But since I’m on Spring Break, and my brother is following the family tradition of being sick during it (which means we aren’t going anywhere), I will have a lot more time to catch up on the blog, review wise and comment wise – I have yet to respond to comments from two weeks ago.
Oh and can someone help me out?
I’m having Internet Explorer problems.
If you haven’t noticed already, my blog roll doesn’t scroll like it’s supposed to on IE, but it works everywhere else.
Any suggestions?
Happy reading everyone!

I think Virals sounds awesome! I’ve also had my eye on that for a while but never got around to buying it. I hope it’s good!
My Stacking the Shelves
I really liked Virals, so I hope you enjoy it when you get it.
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
I haven’t read anything by Kathy Reichs. I love the show Bones. Anyway, enjoy your goodies. Happy reading 🙂
Gasp, how could you! Just kidding, I have only read the Virals series by her, so I shouldn’t be talking. I never really got to chance to watch Bones, but everyone I know who watches says it’s good. Who knows, I’m on Spring Break and I’m not leaving the house (guess what it’s snowing!), so maybe I’ll start watching sometime this week!?
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Enjoy your Spring Break.
dru’s book musing: Sunday Post
They look great. Have a great week and enjoy your spring break.
Jenea @ Books Live Forever’s Sunday Post
We’re having a lovely snow storm for our Spring Break. 🙁 I hope yours is warmer! Enjoy your books.
Book of Secrets: Sunday Post
Good luck with that! It’s snowing here too! Mother Nature just loves me sooo much. Ahh, the beauty of sarcasm.
Anyways… Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Great haul! Hope you enjoy all your books! And you should switch to Google Chrome! It’s much faster and safer than IE! 🙂
Happy Reading!
MY Haul:
I am using Chrome, that’s the problem. On chrome, everything is fine. But when I check IE, it’s disastrous. It’s so annoying.
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Those look like good books! I will have to check them out! I hope you enjoy them!
Very cool that you were able to get both books in a series from the library. Wish I could help with your browser issues, but I’m just not as tech savvy as I used to be. : Happy spring break though!
My library is usually awesome, plus I have a super cool YA librarian… Oh well, it’s okay. I just pity those who visit the blog on IE…
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Oh I remember hearing about Viral, and now the second books out too. Cool! Hope you enjoy and have a great week.
I have a Sunday Post up this week too, if you’d like to stop by…
And the third book is out also! You should definitely try reading them, if you haven’t already. They are all pretty good, well at least the first two are…
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Virals was a fun read and I’d love to read Seizure! I should grab it for the LMCs soon! I sort of forgot about it until I saw it here! Thanks for reminding me! Happy reading.
Our Week in Books @Libby Blog
Glad I could help! I loved reading Virals, but haven’t really read Seizure yet either…
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂