The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Borrowed from library:
Cruel Beauty
by Rosamund Hodge
Isn’t the cover pretty?
- Investigated – Is YA mostly geared towards females?
- Waiting on Wednesday – My Last Kiss
- Thoughtful Thursday – Should you write formally or informally?
- Review – Uninvited by Sophie Jordan
This Week on Icy Cold Reads:
- Investigated
- Waiting on Wednesday
- New feature?
- Review ?
This week was kind of depressing… the young adult librarian at my library transferred to another one, so not only does my library not have a YA librarian anymore, I also lost a friend. :'( Plus, it didn’t help that the weather was feeling gloomy too. On the bright side, no school on Monday and a half day on Friday because of senior prom!
(Oh, and if anyone is interested in helping me with a new feature, just email me (or find me on Twitter) and I’ll explain. :D)
How was your week?
Enjoy your books!

I LOVED Cruel Beauty! The Cover is pretty! The writing is pretty! I hope you love it!
Happy Reading!
Nicole @ The Quiet Concert
I haven’t read Cruel Beauty but the cover is beautiful. I hope you enjoy it.
I’m sorry for your librarian friend, just hope they found someone else to replace her and buy her books. Have a better week *hugs*
Awh, that’s a shame about the librarian friend :(. But, hey, Cruel Beauty might cheer you up (depending on if you like it- I loved it)
Here’s mine
Kirsty @ StudioReads
I’ve got an ARC of Cruel Beauty that I need to get to. That’s too bad for the librarian, but at least she was able to get transferred and not just lose her job.
Check out my Sunday Post