Today is the publication date of the last book involving Percy Jackson, The Blood of Olympus. I’ve already said goodbye to him once, and I really don’t want to do it again. Percy Jackson has been a part of life for a long time. In fact, it’s one of the few children’s series that I read during my childhood and still read today. While I stopped reading series like the Warriors series by Erin Hunter as I grew older, I’ve never stopped reading Percy Jackson. And like any other post that involves me “saying goodbye” to a series, there will be spoilers. You have been warned.
I first started reading about Percy Jackson when I was in 4th or 5th grade, 6 or 7 years ago. It feels like ever since I started, a new book has been published every year. The series has been a part of my life for so long it seems a bit ridiculous and unbelievable that after today, there will be no more new Percy Jackson books. When the first series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, ended, I was saddened, but willing to let it go. But now. Now that I’ve had an extra five years with the characters through the sequel series, Heroes of Olympus, it seems like I have a stronger connection to world and more unwilling to let it go.
While part of me wishes Rick Riordan will start another sequel series about Percy (though I’m not quite sure how that would work… Percy should be in his late teens / early twenties if there’s a follow up series and the series is aimed at middle schoolers so…), I know it’s probably for the best if he doesn’t. I already spend enough time complaining about series that were ruined because they were dragged out (and as some would say, milked for every dime), I really don’t want Percy Jackson to become one of those series. Now, granted, I haven’t read The Blood of Olympus yet, but here’s to hoping it contains a satisfying conclusion for our favorite heroes.
Some Good Times
- Learning about Percy’s trouble with school field trips
- Percy and Annabeth’s relationship (and their first underwater kiss)
- Annabeth correcting Percy’s er, um,… lack of knowledge and seaweed brain-ness
- the dam jokes
- Smelly Gabe’s demise
- Percy, Hazel, and Frank’s time at Amazon, or should I say with the Amazons?
- Percy telling off Octavian
- blue food!
- Blackjack’s role in the “final battle”
There are a whole lot more, but I thought it was best to stop before I started crying…
Are you ready to say goodbye?
How do you feel now that Percy Jackson is officially over?

I think I’m ready to say goodbye to this series but never to Percy and Annabeth. I love these two characters so much, I would love to see them in more adventures. I’m only a little ways into the Blood of Olympus and I worried about how it’s going to
I LOVE the dam jokes! One of my favorite parts was also when Percy and Annabeth were finally reunited in Mark of Athena. SO CUTE!!!!
I’m worried about how Blood of Olympus is going to end too. I just uh, I just hope I won’t be disappointed. And I just realized I forgot to mention one of the best moments in Heroes of Olympus – Percy and Annabeth’s reunion was pretty epic (and satisfying). Thanks for reminding me! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Sarah! 🙂
The truth is I always knew this day would come and I never wanted it to. It all started when I saw the very first movie. I loved it so much I wanted more. Then a friend of mine told me there are books. I read them all very quickly. I even learned most of my Greek myth knowledge from the books. And I was so sad to let it go. So then I found as many Greek mythology books as possible and read them all as we’ll but they never replaced the percy Jackson series. Once I found out about the spin off series I felt so happy that I could jump to another galaxy. Plus it was even cooler to me that the roman mythology was also in it. Just today I got to courage to read the final book and just today I finished it. I was kinda bummed that they didn’t put percy as a narrator cause of how they alternate the characters point of view throughout the series but it was still cool. But now I’m relying on the movie people to make the movies cause percy Jackson is my life and Greek mythology and me would’ve never met if it wasn’t for percy Jackson. so a desperate favor to the movie people out there do not quit making the movies cause if u do stop making those movies, u will break a 14 year old girl’s heart. So I’m relying on everyone to hope that the cast make the right choice!