Read My Mind – Finding Time

Posted December 13, 2013 by Emily in / 1 Comment

Read My Mind is a segment I will be doing from time to time that involves more reader interaction. Right now, it’s basically I have some questions or topics that need to be answered. And no, I will not ask for homework help this way. A week after the question post (or when I get enough results), I will post of “summary” of the discoveries. Please keep in mind that the name, as well as the whole segment as a whole is still a work in progress…
I’ve been pretty busy lately with a lot of school work and just life in general. I barely have time to do the things I want to like read and blog anymore.

So I was wondering, how do you find time to read and  blog when you have deadlines to meet? Does reading come second? Are there any resources you use (like site blockers and to do lists)? What do you do to increase productivity?

Also another thing I was wondering was how to do this. I don’t know which method is the best, the linky, Google forms, a poll, etc… If there is ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, you would recommend doing/using, leave them in the comments below. I would really appreciate that.



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One response to “Read My Mind – Finding Time

  1. Since right now I’m doing this on my phone I’m not going to write a post, but hopefully tomorrow I’ll have the time to write a post and link back! 🙂

    Basically for me finding the time is only on the weekends. I schedule posts for the week on Saturday and try and set aside time to work on my blog then. (Which I’ve been falling majorly behind on recently but still…)

    To increase productivity I normally use a site on my compute that blocks time wasting sites like twitter and then I put my phone downstairs do I won’t be able to get it. (I’m too lazy!)

    Currently I’ve been forced to do this leadership training (which is a complete waste of time) bit they have been making us do check lists of what we need to do the next day. Which I’ll grudgingly admit helps!

    For me reading will always come before blogging. Blogging is so important to me but reading has and always will be my first love!

    Great topic! I’ll definitely try to make a post for it! I have a lot more I want to say!
    Nice job Emz!