What’s More Important: New Posts or Commenting?

Posted February 16, 2017 by Emily in Blogging / 3 Comments

Do you prioritize writing new posts or commenting?

I’m really bad about commenting. So much so that I’ve almost forgotten how fun it is to go around the blogosphere and leave different messages on different blogs. Of course, there are a lot of factors in why I don’t get to comment often. For starters, as an introvert, it’s hard to go leave multiple meaningful comments without feeling totally drained and sometimes I just don’t have anything to say/add. But the number one culprit is time.

Ever since my junior year in high school two years ago, I’ve been in a constant time crunch to make time to blog. I barely had enough time to churn out two posts per week, let alone go around commenting (commenting takes me a long time).I’ve realized that to me, writing new posts and publishing new content is more important than commenting on other blogs. It’s a pretty selfish notion, perhaps one brought on by the fact that I like writing posts more than I like commenting.

But lately, I’ve been thinking about just leaving my blog to hang while I spend my free time snooping around other blogs. Technically, it’ll be more efficient – instead of having to block out hours of time to write a blog post and create the graphics needed, I’ll just need thirty minutes to comment on a handful of blogs.

The funny thing is, one of the reasons why I constantly end up in a blogging slump and can’t write new posts is because I have no motivation. It’s hard for me to make time to blog if I feel like only a small number of people are reading my posts. But at the same time, I can’t really grow my readership without commenting on other blogs.

So right now, I’m trying a new schedule. I’ll write new posts this week (because I have more spare time) and focus more on commenting next week (full of exams, very little time). And I’ll keep alternating each week, and maybe adjust depending on if I have more or less time. This way new posts and commenting will be equally prioritized in the long run. At least, that’s the plan (and theory). We’ll see how well it works (aka how long I stick to it).

What about you?
Do you prioritize new posts or commenting over one another?
Do you have a post/comment schedule?



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3 responses to “What’s More Important: New Posts or Commenting?

  1. I usually schedule posts in advance – like right now, I’m almost all scheduled through to the end of the month. (Just lacking my book haul/wrap up and such.) And this is a slow month. I’ve been known to schedule posts as far as three MONTHS in advance. I do like wandering around to other blogs, but I find commenting draining in a way that writing posts isn’t. (And I always feel guilty when I’ve got like sixty unread posts on blogger and I have no comments for any of them.)

    I wish you lots of luck on your system and really hope it works for you!

    • I am so envious of your scheduling abilities. Unfortunately, I usually end up writing posts as I go. 🙁 Commenting is more draining for me too, but I love reaping the benefits of it. It’s fun to see what others have to say and meet new bloggers. As much as I love being stuck in my own bubble, it’s hard to get a sense of community without wandering out of my comfort zone a bit.

      Thanks for stopping by Amy! 🙂

  2. I suck at commenting, in terms of available time and what in the heck do I say? I am an awkward potato a lot. I’m an introvert and I agree and have the same problem with leaving multiple meaningful comments. It is hard for me to add something meaningful. I have started following the lead of others who have left comments, but then I feel so repetitive and silly. In terms of motivation, I feel the same. I often see fewer comments than visitors on almost every post I do. I often feel like I only have five bloggy friends, and I know that’s not true. I try to visit and comment back when I have the time and am not taking away from other life responsibilities, but it’s hard to do both sides of the blog writing and the readership building. I think I’ve kind of let nature take its course at this point. The Great Equalizer and all.