Blog Name Change
What’s up? I’m here to announce some exciting news… well, to me it’s exciting since I’m been waiting for this for foreverrrrr (er, not really, but a long time). It might not be that exciting to some of you as you guys said I shouldn’t change my blog name. I’m really sorry for doing so but I just could not stand Icy Cold Reads anymore. I’ve been wanting to change the name for so long and I figured the new year is a good place to start. Seriously though, how many blogs do you know have a name like (insert adjective here) Reads. Icy Cold Reads just felt so… cookie cutter to me. Not that there’s anything particularly wrong with that, but hey, my name is Emily… My quota for putting up with common-ish names is pretty much filled. Hopefully, by the New Year February Icy Cold Reads will no longer be ICR, but…
Paging Serenity
I’m still working on the graphics and such but the name will change. So will the URL… it will be at instead. Once again, I’m sorry to those of you who didn’t want the name to be changed but my name dilemma contributed to large number of the times I wanted to bang my head on something this year. Speaking of which…
2014 Recap
So here we go. It’s not a full recap because I ain’t got no time for that with all the work I have to do later. Yes, I have homework over winter break (plus there’s the name change thing…). ANYWAYS, 2014 was a busy year. The blog moved to self hosted WordPress from Blogger. School got harder. I got older. Etc…
The Blog
Total Post Count (in the entire history of this blog): 515 (includes this one and tomorrow’s)
Number of posts posted this year: Including this one (and tomorrow’s): 280
Number of reviews posted: Er, let me count. 23. Yikes, that’s less than last year. :[
Number of discussion posts posted: 40 🙂
Number of times I changed the design: Twice… or three times?
Number of books read: … ummm, hahahaha, funny you should ask…
Number of times I wanted to bang my head on something: I think I broke the counter
Number of times I actually did so: Yeah, the counter is definitely broken
2014 was a year. Let’s just leave it at that. Percy Jackson and company will no longer have any more adventures, supposedly. His Fair Assassin ended too. On the bright side, I read more contemporary novels this year! And I discovered the greatness that is the The Darkest Minds series by Alexandra Bracken.
So yeah, that’s about it. I kind of slacked off when it came to reading this year, as you tell with my review count… hopefully next year will be better!
How was your 2014?

Oooh I love the name Paging Serenity! I think it’s important to do what you like. If you’re getting tired of Icy Cold Reads then you should 100% go ahead and change it! Looking forward to 2015 and what’s to come from you!! 🙂 Happy New year’s Eve!
I’m so glad you like the new name! Thank you so much Annie. <3
Happy New Year's Eve to you too and thanks for stopping by! 😀