July 2016 – A Month of Crazy

Posted July 30, 2016 by Emily in wrap up / 12 Comments


I decided to change things up and try out monthly recaps instead of weekly ones, which I’m now calling ‘State of the Blog’. I’m linking this one up to two memes: Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. 🙂

Looking Back on July


July was crazy. It’s funny because I normally don’t do that many things with my friends over summer break. Maybe we’ll have like a beach day or something but that’s about it. But this year we went all out.

I think I’ve had a fun hang out with friends every week since we graduated. And along the way, I got to check some things off of my bucket list.

I got to go to BlogBoundCon, a convention for book bloggers in NYC and meet a lot of new friends. I got to go to my first concert (does seeing Troye Sivan at Six Flags count?).

Overall this month, and this summer so far has been super fun and busy (in the best way). But it also can’t help but feel bittersweet at the same time. I’ve spend the last few weeks trying to make memories with my friends, who in another few weeks, I won’t be seeing on a daily basis. Or even a monthly one, as we all head off to different colleges.

The Blog

July has been my best month this year, blogwise. I stil such at commenting so that goal isn’t going away anytime soon. But this month, I’ve managed to finally stay on top of everything and get posts published. I also started participating in Top Ten Tuesday, which I’ve found to be super fun.


Books Hauled

Most of the books hauled in July 2016

I picked up these ARCs at BlogBoundCon. I also brought The Girl from Everywehere by Heidi Heilig at The Strand. 🙂

Books Read

Looking Forward to August


Not to die. Yes, that’s my goal for next month. Another one is not to lose my mind.

There’s just so many things I need to do in August that just thinking about it all is making me feel overwhelmed.

Long story short, I want to use August to prepare for September since that’s when I’ll be going to college and probably won’t have any extra time. Therefore for August, I want to read and review all of my ARCs with fall pub dates, write and schedule posts for September, and catch up on commenting.

Posts to Look Out For

  • ARC August updates (aka see how much I’m failing)
  • All the WordPress Plugins I Use
  • College related stuff
  • Reviews
  • … and hopefully many others! 🙂

Last Words

June was full of excitement. July was full of fun. August… August seems like it’s going to be full of work. And bittersweetness.

Oh, and happy early birthday to Mr. Harry Potter.

How was your July?
What are you looking forwards to in August?



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12 responses to “July 2016 – A Month of Crazy

  1. At every transitional point in our lives, there is always some bittersweet. I am one of those who doesn’t do well with it. I am a very nostalgic person. But you have had a fantastic summer and I hope you enjoy the memories!

  2. Hope you have a great August! I read your thoughts on Nerve since I saw the trailer and thought it looked fun (although I thought the trailer kinda gave away the whole movie- I mean, they were showing stuff happening at the end???) but I had NO idea it was an adaptation til I read your post. Wow. So not much of an actual adaptation I guess. Good to know, and I’m curious now about both book and movie.

  3. I’m glad you had a great month and it sounds like you’ve been making the most of your break before settling down to work hard again!

    I love the idea of a conference (etc) for book bloggers. I wish we had something similar here in Australia.

  4. Sounds like you had a fun summer. I hope you don’t die in August, that would be sad. I am happy for you that you are taking time to read arcs before college starts. Great plan!

  5. Sounds like this month was a lot of fun. Since I am going back to college and it was sort of a spur of the moment decision I am a little worried how I will balance part-time work, college and reading/blogging. I guess I shall see! 🙂

    Hope you August is a good one and not too stressful as you get ready for College.
