Investigated – What’s considered proper book signing etiquette?

Posted March 16, 2015 by Emily in Investigated / 9 Comments


Two of my favorite authors will be visiting my local Barnes & Noble this week, and since I hope I can go (please teachers, don’t give me a lot of homework, I NEED to go this event), I was wondering – what is proper book signing etiquette?

Now I haven’t really been to a lot of author events – before the last year, not a lot authors visited my local B&N (that I was aware of), I don’t really don’t know much… or anything when it comes to etiquette so that’s why I need your help.

Buying Books

Can you only get books signed if you purchased them directly from the store hosting the event? From my very limited experience, I can say this varies. When I went to an Ally Carter event in 2013, that Barnes & Noble required that in order to get into the line to have your books signed, you had to buy at least one copy of United We Spy (the book Ally was on tour promoting) from them. But when I went to see the Epic Reads Fall Tour last October at my local B&N, they didn’t really care if you brought books from them or not (or at least they didn’t make it a mandate). Then again, the Ally Carter event was much, much bigger.

Number of Books to Bring From Home

Okay, this one, I have absolutely no clue. I know as someone who has waited in a line for hours to get book signed (hey, it was Rick Riordan, okay!) that you should not bring too many books. Just out of respect for everyone there and the author who already has to sign a gazillion books, try to limit the number of books you bring. That being said, I don’t know if there is a specific number of books you’re normally allowed to bring. I’ve heard anywhere between 1 and 3. But then I’ll go to events and see people that will 30. Any one want to help me out?
