Reviews are always interesting on a YA book blog, or just a book blog in general. Everyone writes reviews a different way, post reviews differently, as well as rate a book differently. But I am always, always amazed on how many reviews people can write and post each week. Depending on the blog, it varies. Some people have a set number that they post every week, and then schedule extras. Others, may schedule all of their reviews ahead of time. Still, some people, like me, write reviews whenever they get the chance, and post them right away (or the day after). My blog has more meme related posts and promotional posts, than reviews for a reason. It’s simple. All those other posts take, maybe 5-10 minutes to create. Reviews on the other hand can take me 15-30 minutes. I know, when I first realized it was taking me THAT much longer to write reviews, it scared me. But, I rather have one well written review that expresses my feelings about a certain book the way I want it to, than have three reviews that are trash. I created this blog to promote reading and the books I enjoyed reading. Whether it’s through a review or promo post, I can fulfill my goal. Of course I rather have reviews, but like I said before, I prefer to have quality over quantity. So if you are looking for reviews that I said would be posted, they will be up eventually. Just probably not anytime soon. Why? Well even though I hate to say it, school comes before blogging, and I have a LOT of school work. (But sometimes, I have time to plan ahead…)
If you have a blog, how do you usually post reviews?
Are they pre-planed or do you just post them whenever?

I am not as organized as I would like to be with my blog. The reviews I do for blog tours and such are organized for me, so that forces me to have a schedule, but anything else… I do what I can. Oh, and 30 minutes isn’t long at all. Between writing and editing a review, it can take me an hour or longer!
I just started something new on my blog yesterday. Let me know what you think!! 😀