Investigated – Posting

Posted October 27, 2013 by Emily in Investigated / 3 Comments

I’m sorry if the formatting of this post is a bit weird. My laptop caught a virus last week and kind of crashed so I’m writing this post on my iPod? 🙁 Why do I still insist on writing this post? Well, because of today’s topic – posting.

I’ve learned a bit early on that posting played a part in the amount if traffic your blog gets. The more posts per week usually led to more traffic. I’ve also learned you can have a steady number of visitors if you post somewhat consistently but that if you take a hiatus, you might have to work a bit until your traffic goes back to normal.
In addition I kind of feel some sort of obligation to post this post today. I’ve had a streak of posting “Investigated” posts every Monday for so long, it seems a bit stupid to let a broken laptop to ruin my streak. Also if I did t post, I would feel like I’m neglecting the blog. And that is a bad feeling. After all I already have a lot of negative emotions going around involving my stupid laptop that I really don’t need another one. 
I’ve never really posted every day of the week, but it seems really sad to me if I only manage to post twice this week (both memes) while I’m used to posting at least four posts every week. I don’t know. It just feels like I would be slowly ing my blog if I didn’t post that often. 
What about you?
Do you ever feel the pressure to post?
If you do, why?


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3 responses to “Investigated – Posting

  1. Sometimes, but than I get this feeling like blogging and writing reviews is almost like job and I stop enjoying it. I think it’s better to take a break from time to time and risk losing rating then not loving what you do.

    Glass @ Way Too Hot Books

    • That’s a good point, although I’m also hesitant to take breaks because I’m afraid that once I do, I’ll never get back into blogging. I guess the trick is not to take too long of a break? Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  2. YES! Especially lately when I’ve been going on weeklong hiatuses. It’s kind of sad actually D: I guess there’s always that pressure to get your blog traffic up, and meet people’s expectations, but really, I’ve stopped blogging for numbers and have started blogging for myself. I used to think that I owed the world a post, but really I don’t– it’s my personal space, so I can post as frequently as I want to 🙂 And it’s great because there are people who keep checking whether or not you post for the day 😀 Oh, and I hope you sort out your laptop dilemma soon!