Investigated – New Year Resolutions About Reading

Posted December 30, 2013 by Emily in Investigated / 2 Comments


Tomorrow is the last day of December, also known as the last day of 2013. What is a common activity right before or after a year ends? Making New Year Resolutions. And for bookworms, specifically about reading.

Honestly, whenever I made New Year resolutions as a kid, I never really made any that dealt with a certain amount of books I wanted to read or what kind of books I wanted to try reading. It was only until I started high school that I started making those kinds of resolutions. Before I had all the time in the world when it came to reading. Homework usually took me an hour at the max and I had nothing else to do except read. Now with high school homework takes a lot longer, more time goes into studying, and I have all these other stuff to do. Making resolutions is the only way I can actually read a decent amount of books during the school year.

What kind of book resolutions do you makes?
I usually make one that involves the quantity of the books. Quality also counts too. Before I used to make some about the type of book I wanted to read too. Like read 20 realistic fiction books. However, through doing challenges this year, I have found that doing that didn’t work at so well. I guess limiting myself to focus reading certain books just left me disappointed and overall, I was not able to reach my total goal. I found out that if I were to read from a certain selection of books indiscriminately, I would be able to read more well written books than if I said I wanted to read 20 realistic, 10 mystery, 15 fantasy, etc… For me general resolutions work better when it comes to reading. When time is short, prioritization is the key.

That being said, one of my New Year resolutions is to read at least 50 books. That’s around one book every week. We’ll see how well that goes. (Note, I said read, not review…)

What are your bookish New Year resolutions?
What kind are they?
Specific or general?


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2 responses to “Investigated – New Year Resolutions About Reading

  1. Hmm I can’t really make resolutions like 10 dystopian, 20 contemporary, 30 fantasy because I know I’ll just break it lol. I love contemporary books out of all the genres, so I know for sure I’m going to choose lots of contemps. over (let’s say) fantasy. Fantasy is my least favorite so I think it’s impossible for me to read 30 fantasy books.

    I have 3 bookish resolutions this year. My goal is to read all of my ARCs on Edelweiss. Then, I can buy 30 books max throughout the year. My reading goal is also to read 150 books. EEEKKK. I reached my goal of reading 100 books this year so let’s see how 150 books goes.

  2. I always make the same resolution – to read a certain number of books. I never choose genre or medium (e-book or print) because I’ve come to realize that this never works for me. The more rules I set, the more likely I am not to accomplish the challenge. So I just say “I will read X books” and then I have all the freedom in the world to choose whatever my heart tells me to read. This ensures that I go through a variety of genres, authors, etc.

    Mada @ All Fantasy Worlds