Investigated – ARCs

Posted September 30, 2013 by Emily in Investigated / 5 Comments


ARCs, also known as Advanced Reader Copies, are a part of a book blogger’s life, whether they like it or not. Many bloggers dream of getting more ARCs. Others shy away from them. There are many positive and negative things about ARCs.

Positive Negative

  • Get to read books you before other people
  • Don’t have to wait as long to read a sequel
  • People will be jealous of you
  • Pressure to read books before publication date
  • Pressure to review books before publication date
  • Not a lot of people to talk about the book with
  • Those are only some of the positive and negative things that come with ARCs.
    I, personally don’t think I will ever really request an ARC unless it’s a book I really, really want to read. I don’t know, it’s just that I feel there’s a lot of pressures that come with requesting ARCs, pressures that I don’t really need. (I already have enough to deal with, for instance SAT scores). Right now, most of the ARCs I get are from contests or giveaways. And even then, there is this underlying pressure to read and review them before they are released. Except usually I get them after the publication date or like a week before. Then I’m left scrambling to find time to read and review them. Because honestly the best part of getting an ARC is being able to read the book before anyone else can.
    How are review requests different from ARCs? Well, for me, there is less pressure. Why? Because with ARCs there is a specific date that you are trying to read and review the ARC by. For review requests, usually I give a generalized date like for example, sometime in November. That way, I just need to read the book before November ends.
    Still, like ARCs there is a some pressure to read and review a book, just not as much. Also, another thing is most of the review copies I get are e-books, which makes it more convenient for me to read. If I have nothing to do during Study Hall, I can read. If I’m bored on the bus, I can read. That’s because I always bring my iPod to school. On the other hand, most of the ARCs I get are physical copies, so I rarely bring to school for a couple of reasons. One, usually I get a lot of questions when I bring ARCs to school (“How the heck did you get that book?!? It’s not even published yet!). Yeah, I rather avoid those questions. Another reason why I don’t bring ARCs to school is that physical ARCs are always paperbacks. And paperbacks don’t usually escape from my backpack unharmed. 
    ARCs are great and all, and while I will not go seeking them, I will welcome the ones I get. However, there is a problem when people decide to send me random ARCs. This has only happened to me once or twice (Thank God!) and luckily they had all been ARCs for YA/middle school novels. But what are you supposed to do with ARCs you didn’t request but show up at your doorstep? Are you supposed to try to read and review them before their publication date? Or is it okay for you to forget about them? Especially if that ARC just happens to be a sequel to a book you haven’t read yet, or didn’t particularly enjoy reading…
    What about you?
    What is your policy with ARCs?
    What do you do with the ones you get but don’t want to read?


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    5 responses to “Investigated – ARCs

    1. Penguin sends me ARCs all the time that I don’t request. Same with K-Teen, Harper, McMillian and Harlequin. But Hyperion, I have to request. I actually like when a book shows up on my doorstep because it forces me to read something that I normally wouldn’t choose. And most of the time, I find a new author to love from it. I think that’s my favorite part of reading ARCs in general. If I want a book really badly, I’ll actually pre-order. I won’t request an ARC for it. Strange, I know, but I know I’m going to buy the book anyway, so I’m fine with waiting until the release.

      • Hmmm, I never thought of it that way before. It’s nice to get another perspective on it. I’ll admit, finding an ARC on my doorstep is always a nice surprise, but the fact that yet another book is added to my TBR pile is kind of scary. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    2. Maybe add a line on your review policy which politely states that sending you an ARC does not guarantee that you will read and review it. That way you cover yourself if you get busy or aren’t interested. I get a buzz from reading books before others so ARCs are very cool as long as it is on my terms.

    3. I’ve never actually got an unsolicited ARC before but if I did I would feel no pressure to read or review it. You didn’t ask for it and so have no obligation. It’s different of course if you request an ARC. Then I feel it is completely my responsibility to read it and review sometime the week before it is released. Great Post!