Help Me With My Blog Name Dilemma!

Posted November 23, 2014 by Emily in Help / 6 Comments


I need a lot of help. And before you ask, no not thant kind of help! I am perfectly mostly fine mentally… I need help regarding this blog’s name.

My Blog Name Dilemma

Honestly my blog name has kind of bothered me for a while. I don’t hate it, but I’m not completely happy with it either. I just want something more… special I guess. Icy Cold Reads sounds so generic and I feel like it’s really restricting. Like because of it, I can’t blog about anything else besides book related stuff when I love to do some DIY posts and such. It was a name I created on a fly my freshman year, now two years later, I would like to think I have matured. (The truth of that last sentence is debatable). But long story short, I’m thinking of changing my blog name. But I can’t decide. I don’t know if the payoff is worth the risk. And I don’t know what name I want to change it too. So you guys get to! Yay! (If you couldn’t already tell, I can be really indecisive…

[poll id=”3″] [poll id=”4″]

And yes, I like the word “serenity”. A lot. You got a problem with that?

Thanks for your help (or at least reading this much of my very ranty, boring post)!



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6 responses to “Help Me With My Blog Name Dilemma!

  1. I voted yes for the name change! It’s not that I don’t like ICR, but like you, I think it’s pretty limited. Changing your blog out of the ice/snow concept would be weird. With another name you could branch out with color palettes and layouts at least! I also voted for Novel Fox because it sounds cute but I like Novel Serenity as well! Good luck with whatever you decide 🙂

    Kaniesha @ Deux Lectrices recently posted: Kaniesha's TTT: Top Ten Books I Want To Reread
  2. While I think your blog name is super cute, I could see why you would be restricted. For ex, what if you felt like changing your blog theme to idk flowers? but then your blog name forces you to have a theme of something cold, ice, blue, etc. I actually had a discussion about this on my blog where I felt like my blog restricted to stars because of my blog name ‘Little Book Star’. Just do what you want to do and whatever blog name makes you happy and content. 🙂

  3. I like your current blog name, but indeed if you woulc want a design without featuring the cold it might be problematic. I didn’t vote because I think this is something you should be happy with and you should go with what feels best for you.
    Also I don’t think you should let your blog name limit what you post, just post whatever you want. It’s probably impossible to have a blog name that adequately reflects everythign you have on there. My blog name is Lola’s Reviews and I actually don’t post that many reviews, maybe one or two a week max.

    • I try not to let my blog name limit my post but I still feel like I’m kind of limited to writing about bookish things. I don’t know why though. Thank you for your advice Lola! I really appreciate it! 🙂