Go on a Blind Date… With a Book!

Posted February 13, 2014 by Emily in Other / 5 Comments

Valentine’s Day is almost here. As a holiday meant to be celebrated with significant others, it can leave some of us feeling a bit… lonely. I have that feeling. Especially on Singles Awareness Day. So I have taken the liberty to arrange some last minute blind dates.

Who needs boys when you can have books? Okay, so I lied, it’s not a totally blind date. I gave you some tidbits about contender. To read the little “About” blurb for each book, simply scroll over the question mark (?) above the letter of the book. To find out what book you are going on a date with, scroll over the blue circle below the letter of the book.

For those who can’t scroll, here’s the about blurbs below. Click on the link of the titles to find out what each book is on Goodreads.

Book A is a book that falls under the category of being unrealistic realistic fiction. It includes adventure, drama, and a hint of romance. Realistic Fiction.

Book B
Book B is one for those that love romance and dream of long lost love and soulmates. With a dash of mystery, action, and lots of love, this one is not one to be missed. Fantasy.

Book C
Book C is a book that will really showcase the power of love and music. When a tragedy strikes, can they heal all the wounds that are left behind? Realistic Fiction.

Book D is one for the people who are sick of all the romance. While it will take you on an adventure in a post apocalypse world, it contains no romance. Shocker, right? Dystopian.
A. B. C. D.
Which book will you choose?

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