I’m going to be spending a lot of time away from home, on the road, this month, with what my mom’s claiming to be “weekend getaways”. What she really means is we’ll be going on a college visiting spree. ? Anyways, back to the whole point of this post, what books do you bring with you one vacation? Do you even bring any books at all?
Typically, I don’t bring any physical books. They’re heavy and take up space… and my mom doesn’t always approve (“we spend money to see new places and all you want to do is read? No! blah blah blah”). I also don’t usually end up with a lot of reading time or desire to read. Especially since most of our trips are road trips and I get car sick. As bored as I end up sitting in a metal contraption for five hours straight unless I want to feel nauseous, reading is a very bad idea.
That being said, these days my phone is functioning e-reader. I think I use it to read more than I use it for its intended purpose. ? On it have a few traditionally published books (shoutout to my library’s ebook collection), as well as story sharing apps like Wattpad and Radish.
Using my phone is super convenient – you never know when you’ll have time to read and you typically always have your phone on you. When I visited Disney World last year, I read The Book Thief while waiting in line (translation: I read while my friends when on rides because I get motion sickness).
Sometimes, if I’m given adequate time beforehand (my family has the horrible habit of last minute planning trips away), I’ll try to grab a book that takes place where we’ll be visiting. There’s just something special about reading a book where it takes place. For example, reading Percy Jackson while in New York City was much more exciting than reading it at home.
When I do end up bringing physical copies with me, they’re typically paperbacks. They’re just lighter and easier to carry around. Plus, that way I don’t have to worry about finding a place to put the dust jacket.
Do you bring books with you on vacation?
Why or why not?
What kind of books do you like to bring?

I always do bring books with me when I travel… just in case if I do have a bit of spare energy at the end of the day! Normally though, I read like the first hour of a plane flight (if there’s a plane flight and IF it does even last an hour hahah) and then that’s it for the rest of the trip. Road trips, forget about it. I get hopelessly car sick too! Great topic! I should just bring my Kindle instead to save up space. 😛
I love reading on planes too! Especially long trips when’s there’s nothing else to do. I like bringing an e-reader but sometimes you just have to have a physical copy. Nothing can replace the feeling of actually turning the pages. 🙂
I am going on vacation at the end of this month and I will definitely be bringing book with me when I travel. Not just for the plane ride there, but also for down time, or when Miguel wants to watch something on the tv that I am not interested in (which happens quite a lot lately). I don’t think it is a bad thing to bring books when you are on vaca.