Today is the first day of school sorry I mean the Back to School Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Rachel @ Parajunkee. Classes (I mean the challenge) takes place over the course of nine days. And you can see the lesson plan below to learn more about what we will be learning / teaching on each day.
Biggest Lesson I Learned as a Blogger
The biggest lesson I learned as a blogger is that statistics don’t matter as much as you think. It doesn’t matter how many people are following your blog or how many page views you get each week. It doesn’t matter how many people comment on a post or how many ARCs you can get. All that matters is that you are having fun. That you love what you are doing. That you are satisfied and proud of your work. Sure the higher the numbers the better, but for the most part they are inflated. How many people only followed you for the sake of that one giveaway? How many pageviews last more than 3 minutes? How many of those comments came from people saying “hey nice post, come check out mine.”? How many of those ARCs did you like? Those numbers don’t matter because they aren’t the ones that tell you have a good blog. You cannot rely on numbers for everything. Sometimes you have you rely on yourself and your feelings. If you feel happy and content with your blog, then that is how you know if you are running a truly successful blog.
What is the biggest lesson you learned as a blogger?
My biggest lessons would be close to yours, don’t try to be better for other people’s sake, just enjoy what you do. There are so many rules going on around the net on how you should blog, what your blog should look like and what you should post, where’s the fun in that ? I want to share, so I like being read, but I don’t want to blend in and look like everybody else, no way 🙂
Exactly! It took me waaayyyy too long to learn that lesson though.
Thanks so much for always stopping by! 🙂