Today is the first day of school sorry I mean the Back to School Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Rachel @ Parajunkee. Classes (I mean the challenge) takes place over the course of nine days. And you can see the lesson plan below to learn more about what we will be learning / teaching on each day.
Most Inspiring Assigned Reads
I really liked To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It was inspiring because it showed that sometimes just because some people have an opinion about something doesn’t mean you have to share that same opinion. And also not to believe what everyone else says about someone else because it might not be true. I loved how the novel portrayed the fact that not everyone is what they seem and the sacrifices they make to fit in a place where they don’t really fit in. For example when Scout found out that there was no whiskey in Mr. Raymond’s brown paper bag that he drinks from, but only coke instead. You’ll have to read the book to find out more. But the point is that Harper Lee did a beautiful job illustrating that idea among many others.
What is the most inspiring assigned book that you’ve read?
What is your favorite assigned book?

My favorite assigned read was Stendhal – french classical author of the 19th century. I think I was the only one in the class who read his books through and through and not just only the parts assigned 😉