Today is the first day of school sorry I mean the Back to School Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Rachel @ Parajunkee. Classes (I mean the challenge) takes place over the course of nine days. And you can see the lesson plan below to learn more about what we will be learning / teaching on each day.
Who Fostered My Love of Reading
That person who is responsible for my book addiction is probably my mom. I don’t have a specific story to share, just a collection of memories. My mom used to read out loud to me when I didn’t quite know how to read yet. And when I was learning and just a new reader, she used to read with me. Those were fun times. As a grew older, she sponsored more and more trips to the library which kind of became my second home. I remember her taking me to the library at least twice every week in the summer to pick out new books for my reading log. My library has a summer reading program which basically revolved around reading books, adding them to your reading log, bringing the reading log to the library, and then showing your reading log to the teen volunteers in order to get a prize. Why I loved this program so much? Usually the prizes were books. Which basically meant that I got a new book every week. It was my mom who pushed me to first sign up for the summer reading program. It was my mom who held my hand my first time talking to the volunteers because I was a little shy (and hey, the volunteers were like 10 years older than me).
Who fostered your love of reading?

It’s a great program and you were so lucky to have your mother taking you to the library so often. My love of books was probably fostered by my father, he loved to read and learn 🙂
I wish my library had a program like that when I was little, but my mum usually made going to the library into a reward or a treat. Not that I’m complaining though, it was a great reward!
Your mom rocks! That’s really cool that she fostered the love of reading in you. And that she took you to the library so much. 🙂 I bet you found so many good books.
Back To School
Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews