I cannot believe that in a few days, August will be over. I also can’t believe that school starts next week. But that’s a different story. Today is all about August, and consequently the summer. And this is my Wrap Up post for both.
August has been surprisingly nice to me and the blog. I managed to get a lot of posts created ahead of schedule so the blog was busy even though I was on vacation. I also managed to publish the first two reviews in what seems like forever. Is it easy to tell that reviews aren’t really my thing? Besides writing reviews, I also managed to read a lot of books, thanks to all the time I had. Enjoying it while it lasts, I guess, since school starts next week and that tends to eat up ALL my time. That brings us to…
Okay, so truthfully, maybe I didn’t accomplish everything I set out to this summer (otherwise half the stuff on My Blogging Bucket List wouldn’t be on there), but I still think it was pretty successful. There were more posts in July and August than any other month where I had to go to school. I also managed to read more books. Overall, I felt that blogging was more relaxed, since I wasn’t really rushed. I had time for blogging and hanging out on Twitter while during the school year, I had to make time. I definitely had more fun blogging during the summer (not that blogger wasn’t fun before…).
I also wanted to point out that since school starts again next week, posts will be less frequent and reviews even more rare (if that’s possible). My “Investigated” posts, however will definitely be posted every week on Monday (because they’re so much fun to write and there’s so much to talk about). And you can always count on the memes I participate in. So I just wanted to say ahead of time that if you feel like this blog is being neglected, blame my teachers, not me! (Okay, you can blame me too…but still!)
On a side note, the gif above is perfect. Because I am definitely a bit confused on August is almost ending and would run away from the thought of school starting. Not to mention, he’s a pirate, and the mascot of my high school is a pirate… It also means I am slowly loosing my mind.

That was good that you were able to post ahead of schedule. I know one blogger who can scheduele posts like five months in advance, which is crazy! I can barely keep up with the next day let alone the next eighty! So that’s really great you managed to do that and have a good time over your vaca without fretting 😉 (new follower by the way, love the snowflakes!)
What! How can someone schedule posts FIVE months in advance? I can barely manage to think about what to post the next week let alone schedule… Thank you so much for following and stopping by! 🙂 I’m glad you liked the snowflakes!