I’m going to tell you right now that this is probably just going to be Part 1. I have a lot more than 5 things that annoy bookworms…
I don’t care if dinner is ready or if the bell already rang. If I’m reading and in my zone don’t interrupt me or face my wrath. Can’t you see I’m busy? Do you have one ounce of consideration in your body?
These stupid little cuts might sting a bit, but they can’t stop me from reading more books!
“Have you read [insert name of popular book] yet?”
No. Just no. If you’re going to ask if I’ve read The Hunger Games or Divergent, the answer is yes, I have already read those books… five years ago when they first came out. (And let’s not forget the fact that I recommended those same books to you and you asked me why I was reading “stupid” YA…).
“Reading is for losers”
Well, excuse you. I think we all know who the loser is, and its not the one with the book. Like someone once said, “If you think reading is boring, you’re not doing it right.” Who’s the loser now? Cough, the one that doesn’t know how to read properly. Even a first grader can read better than you!
“What’s your one favorite book?”
Why would someone in their right mind ask this question? You want me to choose a favorite book? Unless you have a few years to spare… Scratch that, we’ll be here forever and I ain’t got no time for that. All that time wasted on trying to pick a favorite when I could be reading (and finding yet another book to add to my ginormous favorites shelves, shelves as in plural indicating multiple favorite books).
There will definitely be a Part 2…
Do any of these annoy you?
If so, which one annoys you the most?

These are all so true! Probably the “Have you read [insert name of popular book] yet?” bugs me the most.
I don’t get much “reading in general is for losers” but I do get a LOT of “why aren’t you reading “real” literature” (as if YA isn’t “real” literature obviously they haven’t read The Book Thief, Pushing the Limits, or any other YA book for that matter!)
Oh my gosh! I absolutely hate it when someone asks me “What is your favorite book of all time?” No… Just no… If you narrowed it down to what was my favorite classic or my favorite series as a child, maybe I can answer you. I could never pick one favorite book of from my 24 years of living. That’s just crazy talk. I think I get that question the most.
So much YES! All of these annoy me so much! Number 3 is the worst, especially if it’s Fifty Shades SMH. I really hate when someone asks me to pick a favorite book, I just want to scream “I JUST CAN’T” and walk away haha.
Yes to all of these, especially the favourite one, that’s so hard to do, argh! Oh, and interruptions in general, like, why? You can see I’m doing things, go away! Great post Emz! 🙂
It bugs me when someone gives you an obscure book to read. Like, you do not understand how long my reading pile is already do you? And then I feel bad if I don’t ever get to it. But, priorities! Nice post!
EVERYTHING in this post gets on my nerves. It always annoys me when someone asks me if I’ve read one of the uber-popular YA books. Or, even worse, if someone disliked that uber-popular YA book and judges all YA based on that one book. I’m slightly alarmed when the only response some of my classmates can give me to “What YA books have you read?” are “The Hunger Games”, “Divergent”, and “What do you mean READ? I don’t READ.”
Oh my gosh this is awesome! I am annoyed by ALL THESE THINGS especially when people thing that reading is “doing nothing” like oh, that’s all you did today? es I read over 200 plus pages today but I DIDN’T DO SQUAT TODAY.*sigh*
[…] 5 Things that Annoy Bookworms, at Paging Serenity […]
[…] Emz highlights five things that annoy bookworms. […]