Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and Bookish and now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This Week’s Prompt
Top Ten Tuesday Turns 10 this week! I’ve decided to go with Option 1: pick a past TTT topic you’ve done and re-do/update it.
Back in January 2017, I wrote a list of 2016 releases I meant to read but didn’t. Today, I’m going to update it.
Six of these books that were on my old list. Out of the ten books I mentioned there, I actually have only read one of them so far (Three Dark Crowns). The other three are now either much lower on my tbr or no longer on it at all.
The List

1. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
I love Alexandra Bracken’s writing but time travel isn’t exactly one of my go-to genres.
2. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard
I read a sample of this one and really enjoyed it. But then I kept getting distracted by other books to actually find a copy and finish reading it.
3. The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson
I’ve been saying I’m going to read this one every summer since it came out. Fast forward four years and it’s still on my summer tbr.
4. Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige
I keep saving this one to read during the winter when we get snow, but I always end up too depressed to read fantasy novels during that season. We’ll see how this winter goes.
5. Something in Between by Melissa de la Cruz
I read to escape so you can see why I’ve been avoiding reading a story that deals with immigration and deportation. Still, I hope to read this one day soon.

6. Scythe by Neal Shusterman
I’ve heard a lot of good things about this one but four years later, it’s still on my tbr. Oops.
7. The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
Another story with deportation. I’ll probably get around to reading it when I’m in a better reading mood.
8. Unhooked by Lisa Maxwell
I haven’t read a fairytale retelling in quite a while. Maybe this one will be the first to break my dry spell.
9. The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig
Again, this one has an interesting premise but time travel books are never at the top of my tbr.
10. Assassin’s Heart by Sarah Ahiers
This was recommended to me by a friend who found out I love a good assassin story.
Are there any 2016 releases still on your tbr?

TBH I have quite a few past releases I meant to read but never got to! :'(
I read Unhooked this year and wasn’t a big fan. I enjoyed The Girl From Everywhere, Truthwitch and Scythe much more than that one.
Your reasons for not reading (most of) these books yet make perfect sense to me.
I hope you like Unhooked.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
The Unexpected Everything is one of my favorites by Matson. I hope you end up reading it soon — this summer would be a great time. 😉
The Girl from Everywhere is one of my favorites. I hope you like it if you enjoy it. 🙂
Check out my TTT
Don’t worry, I had a book on my summer TBR for *six* years (A&L Do Summer). I think I read it when I was meant to read it, though, and it ended up being 5 stars — I hope this one goes similarly well for you when you reach it.
A list of 2016 releases still on my TBR, at least the official one (there are probably more popular titles I have in the back of my mind as possibilities, and probably some from my favorite authors that I don’t list because I’ll get to them when I want that particular author’s style):
Essential Maps for the Lost – Deb Caletti
Spirit Level – Sarah N. Harvey
The Museum of Heartbreak – Meg Leder
The Last One – Alexandra Oliva
The Courtship of Jo March – Trix Wilkins
Great choice this week! I actually just un-hauled Passenger. It sat on my shelf for years. I enjoyed The Unexpected Everything, and Scythe and The Sun is Also a Star are both on my tbr, too. Happy Reading!