Today is actually Day 4 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Good Books and Good Wine. If you want to learn more about this challenge, just click HERE. But you know, just like I predicted, I am behind. Sigh. So I decided to make it up by combining Days 3 and 4 together. It’s not like the answers to them are going to be really long…
The topic for Day 3 was…
Who are your blogging BFFs?
The answer to that question is simple. I’m kind of a loner in the blogging world. I have loads of friends in real life, but I don’t really have any blogging BFFs. I know, I know, it’s really sad. I do have acquaintances though. If you want to be my blogging BFF (or even just a friend) just comment below or send me an e-mail.
Moving on, the topic for today is…
What is the last book you flung across the room?
There are two different answers to this question. I can’t remember the last book I really, physically flung across the room. Growing up, I always believed that books were scared objects. Objects that should be respected no matter have bad the content inside them was. So for me, flinging books across the room would be a huge no no. Plus, my mom warned me that if I actually did do it, and it damaged the book or the whatever it hit, I would not only be grounded, I would also have to pay for the damages out of my own pocket. So yeah, I can’t remember if I even flung a book across the room.
The last book I wanted to fling across the room was NEVERMORE by James Patterson, the last book in the Maximum Ride series. I actually wrote a review for it and posted it on the blog. But don’t go looking for it. A few months after I posted, I realized the review was a horrible review, and that it was more of a rant. I’m still in the process of fixing up to be a “proper” review. The way it ended, just made me so so soooooo ANGRY. After I finished reading it, I wanted to punch someone. Don’t get me wrong, I loved, loved the Max Ride books, and that’s why NEVERMORE pissed me off so much.

Hi Emz! I’m very much like you, bit of a loner. I’ve spoken to quite a few bloggers but never about real life stuff, but it seems that it’s quite common to form sturdy friendships via blogging.
Like you I’m running behind and I also had Day 3 & 4 in one post, I have scheduled Day 6 though so I won’t be late and I may do the rest also, so that way I can have more time to visit everyone else’s blog and comment 😀
Btw I’ve been wanting to read this series, I really should start it soon, heard so many great things about it, pity it didn’t live up to it’s name for the final book 🙁
Day 3 & 4 Blogger Challenge
We can be loners together! I’m always so amazed to find bloggers who are BFFs online – how can you become friends with someone you only know online?
That’s a smart idea, scheduling posts. I just write them the day of…
Max Ride is a really good series in total. The last book was a huge bummer through.
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂