Today is Day 2 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Good Books and Good Wine. If you want to learn more about this challenge, just click HERE. So far, I am still on track. We’ll see how long I can stay on schedule…
Anyways the topic for Day 2 is…
What is your bedtime reading routine?
Hmmm, that is a hard one. Why? Well, simply because I don’t really have much of a reading routine. I used to, but around a month or two after I started high school, that routine slowly disappeared. And I haven’t been able to reestablish that routine. But I still kind of follow an outline? That is if it’s not too late. (Like past 11 pm because I have to get up by 6:45 am to catch the bus for school.)
- Check time.
- Decide what to read.
- Put my lenses in and do other stuff to get ready to go to bed (like brush teeth).
- Get comfy on my bed.
- Read until 10:45 – 11 pm.
- If it’s a weekend, read until my mom yells at me to go to sleep and turn the light off.
- Go to sleep.
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