15 Day Book Blogger Challenge – Day 2

Posted July 9, 2013 by Emily in bookish challenges / 0 Comments

Today is Day 2 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Good Books and Good Wine. If you want to learn more about this challenge, just click HERE. So far, I am still on track. We’ll see how long I can stay on schedule…

Anyways the topic for Day 2 is…
What is your bedtime reading routine?

Hmmm, that is a hard one. Why? Well, simply because I don’t really have much of a reading routine. I used to, but around a month or two after I started high school, that routine slowly disappeared. And I haven’t been able to reestablish that routine. But I still kind of follow an outline? That is if it’s not too late. (Like past 11 pm because I have to get up by 6:45 am to catch the bus for school.)

  1. Check time.
  2. Decide what to read.
  3. Put my lenses in and do other stuff to get ready to go to bed (like brush teeth).
  4. Get comfy on my bed.
  5. Read until 10:45 – 11 pm.
  6. If it’s a weekend, read until my mom yells at me to go to sleep and turn the light off.
  7. Go to sleep.
Truthfully the only real part of the outline that I actually follow every single day is steps 3, 4, and 7. (Of course I follow step 7!) I have to put my lenses or I won’t be able to see clearly the next day. As for step 4, who would want to go to sleep without get comfortable first? 
So yeah, I don’t really have a routine.
Do you? Link up in the comments. I need ideas.



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