15 Day Book Blogger Challenge – Day 12 & 13

Posted July 19, 2013 by Emily in bookish challenges / 2 Comments

Today is Day 12 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Good Books and Good Wine, which means we are 4/5 of the way through. That’s if I did the math right… Only 3 more posts to go! If you want to learn more about it, click HERE.

Today’s topic is…
How do you fight blogger fatigue?
Umm, I don’t know? The last time I got blogger fatigue was maybe in mid June. And then, instead of really fighting it, I kind of just went on hiatus. I had to study for finals anyways. That’s probably the only real time I got blogger fatigue… But sometimes I have an off day or two. To fix those days, I just try to find new ideas for the blog. Or… I’ll just take a break. Yes, I really really like taking breaks. Anyways, I am open to suggestions, because if you weren’t able to tell already, I really need them.
I might be busy tomorrow, so I figured, I’ll post for Day 13 too.
The topic for Day 13 is…
Describe 1 unappreciated book everyone should read. 
This is another hard one. The first one I can think of is…
Cover of Orleans
by Sherri L. Smith
It’s a really good book, but it I don’t know anyone else that read it.  It takes place in New Orleans, of course, but in the future. It’s one of the few YA books that doesn’t have any romance or a love triangle. And the point of view alternated between two different characters that have distinct voices. If you want, you can read my review of it at Review – ORLEANS. The thing is, I usually read whatever is popular so… you know, the majority of the books I read are not unappreciated.
What about you?
What do you do to fight blogger fatigue?
And what book did you describe?


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2 responses to “15 Day Book Blogger Challenge – Day 12 & 13

  1. Emz, like you I’m really looking forward to reading other people’s answer to today’s blog challenge because I need help in tackling blogging fatigue. I’m yet to undergo a bad one, but I’d like to know how to prevent and of course how to go about it when it does happen.

    I’ll be checking this book out, it sounds very interesting.

    Day 11 & 12 Book Blogger Challenge

    • I know what you mean. I’m always afraid I’m going to get so caught up with schoolwork and stuff that blogging will feel like a chore, when it’s not supposed to be. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂