I was visiting blogs to check out their Stacking the Shelves/The Sunday Post when I stumbled upon this the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by Good Books and Good Wine. If you want to learn more about this challenge, just click HERE. I think the idea of it is brilliant. But with me… well, it would be more like a 15 Week Book Blogger Challenge than a 15 Day one. We’ll see.
Anyways the topic for Day 1 is…
Make 15 book related confessions.
So here I go.
- Sometimes, I kind of do judge a book by it’s cover. I don’t know why I do it, I don’t like doing it, but it happens. When I’m browsing for books in a bookstore or the library, I often feel more inclined to look more into a book with a prettier cover.
- Sometimes, I like to skip to the end of the book and read the ending just to see if the rest of the book (the beginning) is worth reading. I hate books with bad endings.
- I always, always, always, have to read the book before the movie… unless I didn’t know there was a book. Yes, there have been times I watched a movie without knowing it was adapted from a book.
- My TBR pile is never ending. It’s kind of like the scarves a magician pulls out of his/her sleeve. You know, the ones that seems that they never end. Yeah, well, that’s my TBR pile. Except it never ends.
- I still prefer physical books instead of e-books.
- But I don’t HATE e-books either.
- Sometimes I read and eat at the same time. Yes, sometimes I end up getting food on the book, but I only have so much time, and a never ending TBR pile.
- I will always support B&N… unless they do something really wrong.
- I don’t like audio books. Why? Because sometimes I’ll tune out while listening to them.
- Books were my best, best friends when I was younger. They still are. Not that I didn’t have any friends (I do), it’s just that I felt I could always depend on books… my “friends” not so much.
- The YA and Children’s librarians, along with a few ladies at the circulation desk of my library know me by name. Yeah, that’s how many times I visit the library. Maybe it’s because I always have a book on hold, or maybe it’s because I volunteer there. Hmmm…
- Back to judging books by their covers, sometimes I judge people by their books. Never read Harry Potter? Read it but hated it? You’re not my friend, and probably will never be. Hated a book that I loved without a good reason, well, I’m not your friend, and you aren’t mine.
- I spend a LOT of time thinking about books. And Mom, no, I am not wasting my time.
- Books sometimes have the ability to make me cry. Granted, it’s not as hard as I would like to claim.
- Reading and books are my LIFE (and sometimes lifeline and lifesaver). But you knew that already right?
Those are my confessions.
What are some of your’s?

I like to read when I have to eat a meal by myself too. It’s better than just staring out the window lol. I judge people who haven’t read HP too. It’s hard not to haha. My Confessions
Sometimes I start out reading and eating only to end up so engrossed in the book to eat too. It is really hard not to judge someone who hasn’t read HP. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂